Molecular mass of proteins and peptides

Is there a package that can compute the molecular mass based on an amino acid sequence?
MolecularGraph has the machinery, but that appears to be focused on small molecules.
I can’t find a method in BioSequences

Probably not what you want, but from the PDB file you can do this:

julia> using PDBTools

julia> pdb = wget("1LBD")
   Array{Atoms,1} with 1870 atoms with fields:
   index name resname chain   resnum  residue        x        y        z  beta occup model segname index_pdb
       1    N     SER     A      225        1   45.228   84.358   70.638 67.05  1.00     1       -         1
       2   CA     SER     A      225        1   46.080   83.165   70.327 68.73  1.00     1       -         2
       3    C     SER     A      225        1   45.257   81.872   70.236 67.90  1.00     1       -         3
    1868  OG1     THR     A      462      238  -27.462   74.325   48.885 79.98  1.00     1       -      1868
    1869  CG2     THR     A      462      238  -27.063   71.965   49.222 78.62  1.00     1       -      1869
    1870  OXT     THR     A      462      238  -25.379   71.816   51.613 84.35  1.00     1       -      1870

julia> mass(pdb)

julia> formula(pdb)

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Thanks for the link. I was not aware of PDBTools. I looked in BioStructures.jl, but did not find anything,
I love the formula :smile:
I don’t normally have a PDB-file, but now we have alphafold, so maybe :wink:

It’s not in BioStructures.jl - PRs welcome of course.

Well, that was really easy (not surprisingly) to implement in PDBTools. Now you can do (with version 0.12.12, which will be available at any moment):

julia> using PDBTools

julia> seq = "ATVR"

julia> mass(Sequence(seq))

julia> seq = ["ARG", "THR", "GLU"]
3-element Vector{String}:

julia> mass(Sequence(seq))

It does not handle terminals in any sense, it is just the sum of the average mass (isopically speaking) of the amino acid residues in the sequence.

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Thank you so much @lmiq . This is exactly what I need!

How I just love this community!

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