I have a module which exports a macro that checks something, implemented in a function, and warns if an invariant is not maintained, via @warn
I want to provide correct location information, but can’t figure it out: eg in the MWE
# save in Foo.jl
module Foo
export @bar
function _bar(_module, _file, _line, x)
if x > 0
@warn "you have been warned" _module = _module _file = _file _line = _line
macro bar(x)
quote _bar(@__MODULE__, @__FILE__, @__LINE__, $x) end
end # module
called as
# in /tmp/demo.jl
using .Foo
@bar 1
I get
julia> @bar 1
┌ Warning: you have been warned
└ @ Main /tmp/Foo.jl:13
the module is correct, but the file name and the line number refer to the module code instead of the call site (I want /tmp/demo.jl:4