Modify position of axis labels in a PGFPlotsX created with plot()

Hi, Iโ€™m creating the attached figure with

p1 = plot(๐•Š.ลด,๐•Š.ฤด, label = "Efficiency", color = 3, linestyle=:dash, legend = :topright, xguide = L"\hat{W}(\hat{w})", yguide = L"\hat{J}(\hat{w})") #, xguidefontvalign=:top, xguidefonthalign = :right, yguidefonthalign = :right, xguide_position = :right, yguideposition = :top) 
           plot!(๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด):argmax(๐•Š.ลด)],๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด):argmax(๐•Š.ลด)], label = "Redistribution", color = 3)
           plot!(xticks = ([0.0], ["0"]))
           plot!(yticks = ([0.0], ["0"]))
           plot!([minxlim, ๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]],[๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)],๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]], label = "", linewidth = 1, linestyle=:dash, color = :black)
           plot!([๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)], ๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]],[minylim,๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]], label = "", linewidth = 1, linestyle=:dash, color = :black)
           plot!([minxlim, ๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)]],[๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)],๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)]], label = "", linewidth = 1, linestyle=:dash, color = :black)
           plot!([๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)], ๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)]],[minylim,๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)]], label = "", linewidth = 1, linestyle=:dash, color = :black)
           scatter!([๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]],[๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]], label = "", color = 1, marker=:square)
           scatter!([๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)]],[๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)]], label = "", color = 2, marker=:circle)
           plot!(ลด_lc,IC_lc, label = "Nash Bargaining", color = 4)
           xlims!((minylim, 1.5*๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]))
           ylims!((minxlim, 1.5*๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)]))
           plot!(yticks = ([๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)] ๐•Š.ฤด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]], [L"\hat{J}(\hat{w}^{\ast j})", L"\hat{J}(\hat{w}^{\ast h})"]))
           plot!(xticks = ([๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ฤด)] ๐•Š.ลด[argmax(๐•Š.ลด)]], [L"\hat{W}(\hat{w}^{\ast j})", L"\hat{W}(\hat{w}^{\ast h})"]))
savefig(p1, "$pathfigures/x.tikz")

This is the result:

Now I want to move the xaxis labels to the position marked in red. The closest I can get is by adding:

xguidefonthalign = :right, yguidefonthalign = :right

which then produces:

As you can see, the gap between the labels and the axis is too big. Is there a way to close that gap? I have tried with annotations (but if I use annotate! then pgfplotsx() does not let met annotate outside the box).

Thanks a lot for any suggestion!