I’ve been trying to understand how to use the SampledData component from ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary, but I’ve been having trouble getting the example from documentation working. I’ve modified the code from the example to get it in a copy/paste runnable state up until the solve, since the code in the documentation didn’t seem to work if I just copied/pasted on my machine.
using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using DataInterpolations
using DifferentialEquations
function System(; name)
@named src = SampledData(Float64)
@variables t
vars = @variables f(t)=0 x(t)=0 dx(t)=0 ddx(t)=0
pars = @parameters m=10 k=1000 d=1
D = Differential(t)
eqs = [f ~ src.output.u
ddx * 10 ~ k * x + d * dx + f
D(x) ~ dx
D(dx) ~ ddx]
ODESystem(eqs, t, vars, pars; systems = [src], name)
dt = 4e-4
times = 0:dt:0.1
@named system = System()
sys = structural_simplify(system)
s = complete(system)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0, times[end]); tofloat = false)
defs = ModelingToolkit.defaults(sys)
function get_prob(data)
defs[s.src.buffer] = Parameter(data, dt)
# ensure p is a uniform type of Vector{Parameter{Float64}} (converting from Vector{Any})
p = Parameter.(ModelingToolkit.varmap_to_vars(defs, parameters(sys); tofloat = false))
remake(prob; p)
data1 = 3*sin.(2 * pi * (0.5*times) * 100)
data2 = 5*sin.(2 * pi * times * 100)
prob1 = get_prob(data1)
prob2 = get_prob(data2)
#parameter values look okay
#removed because a single solve should work first
sol1 = Ref{ODESolution}()
sol2 = Ref{ODESolution}()
@sync begin
@async sol1[] = solve(prob1, ImplicitEuler())
@async sol2[] = solve(prob2, ImplicitEuler())
gives the following error:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::Parameter{Float64}, ::Int64)
The stacktrace is too long to include in this post since the max char length is about half what it needs to be for this error. I’ve put it here instead, hopefully that’s okay. MTSL SampledData Error · GitHub
I feel like it should be trying to get something from an array or vector of ::Parameter{Float64}, but I’m not sure how I’d achieve that since the parameter looks right when inspected in the problem.