I want to model a quadrocpter with MTK. In the first step I want to identify the parameters of a simple model from real flight data. In the second step I want to learn not yet modeled effects from the data by different experiments with (Neural Networks, Universal Differential Equations, …). Finally, I want to use the model to optimize controller parameters. To do this, I want to differentiate from a trajectory error through the entire model to the controller parameters.
Should discrete inputs be available as variables or as parameters? (Under the aspect that I later need a gradient from the continuous model into the discrete controller.)
I currently use a varaible because I can have the data more conveniently in the output for logging. Is there also a solution with changing parameters?
Update parameters in ModelingToolkit using callbacks -
Is there a better solution to connect continuous with discrete than callbacks? (I have not yet tried to differentiate the structure automatically. To optimize controller parameters later.)
ModelingToolkit - DiscreteUpdate
Mixing time-discrete and time-continuous systems in a simulation
Coupling MTK with time discrete control · Issue #1180 · SciML/ModelingToolkit.jl · GitHub
The code is shortened to show the relevant parts.
@variables (action)(t) = 0.0;
function condition(u, t, integrator)
# Points in time at which input data is available
t in data.timestamp
function affect!(integrator)
# searches for the next input
i = findfirst(t -> t == integrator.t, data.timestamp)
integrator.u[1] = data.action[i]
cb = DiscreteCallback(condition, affect!, save_positions = (true, true))
# for logging
eqs = vcat(
Dt(action) ~ 0,
# Stops at the points in time at which new inputs are present.
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), callback = cb, tstops = data.timestamp);
4. I have several flight trajectories. To identify the parameters, I want to apply the real actions (discrete) to the model (continuous) and calculate the trajectory deviation at the recorded discrete time points (as loss). I don’t want to do this for just one trajectory, but for all of them at the same time. My input in the affect!(integrator)
function is taken from a global data
source. Do I have to create a new ODEProblem(sys, u0, tspan, p)
every time or is there a better solution?
cost_function = build_loss_objective(prob, Tsit5(), callback = cb, tstops = data.timestamp, loss(data.timestamp, data.trajectory),
maxiters = 10000, verbose = false);