ModelingToolkit and Linearization

Continuing a former discussion in Optimization of parameters of a dynamic problem with ModelingToolkit - #4 by BambOoxX, I’m now trying to model and linearize a mass-spring-damper system as an example to test MTKs capabilities.


The idea is to be able to compute first a steady state solution, then linearize around it to retrieve a state-space model with given inputs and outputs.


The model is built with

using ModelingToolkit, ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary, DifferentialEquations
import ModelingToolkit: connect
using GLMakie

@variables t

import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.TranslationalPosition: Mass, Spring, Damper, Fixed, Force
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks: Constant

@named mass = Mass(m=1, s=1.0)
@named spring = Spring(k=10, l=0.5)
@named damper = Damper(d=2)
@named tfix = Fixed(s_0=10)
@named g = Force()
@named gval = Constant(k=-9.81)

eqs = Equation[
    ModelingToolkit.connect(gval.output, g.f)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(g.flange, mass.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(spring.flange_a, mass.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(damper.flange_a, mass.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(spring.flange_b, tfix.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(damper.flange_b, tfix.flange)

@named model = ODESystem(eqs, t; systems=[tfix, spring, damper, mass, g, gval])

sys = structural_simplify(model)


A long-time transient solution, and a steady-state solution can be obtained with

initial_conditions = [
    mass.s => 0.0,

prob = ODEProblem(sys, initial_conditions, (0.0, 100.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8, saveat=0:0.1:20)

prob_ss = SteadyStateProblem(prob)
sol_ss = solve(prob_ss, DynamicSS(Rodas5()), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)

f,ax,p = plot(sol)
hlines!(ax,sol_ss.u[1:1], linestyle=:dash)
hlines!(ax, sol_ss.u[2:2], linestyle=:dash)

which gives a nice


Now the question is how to obtain the steady state model. Obviously linearization is the way to go. That gives (without inputs or outpus)

(; A, B, C, D), simplified_sys = linearize(model, [],[]; t=Inf, op=Dict(unknowns(sys) .=> sol_ss))

where only A is not empty.


Now I’d like to add some input/output handling. I figured I should just take at least one input and one output variables in model and see how it goes. For instance, the most straightforward way to go seemed to use ModelingToolkit.inputs / outputs

This reads

(; A, B, C, D), simplified_sys = linearize(model, ModelingToolkit.inputs(model), ModelingToolkit.outputs(model); t=Inf, op=Dict(unknowns(sys) .=> sol_ss))

but that fails with

julia> (; A, B, C, D), simplified_sys = linearize(model, ModelingToolkit.inputs(model), ModelingToolkit.outputs(model); t=Inf, op=Dict(unknowns(sys) .=> sol_ss))
ERROR: ExtraEquationsSystemException: The system is unbalanced. There are 23 highest order derivative variables and 24 equations.
More equations than variables, here are the potential extra equation(s):
 0 ~ damper₊flange_a₊s(t) - mass₊s(t)
 0 ~ -gval₊output₊u(t) + g₊f₊u(t)
 0 ~ -damper₊flange_b₊s(t) + tfix₊flange₊s(t)

what am I doing wrong ?



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You’re not doing anything wrong. The linearization pass is missing a pretty crucial aspect for DAEs and we’re going to be fixing that up next week. Effectively, if you do the linearization at a consistently defined state then you’re fine. But the linearization functionality is missing the ability to enforce that consistency.

This is actually causing MTK tests to fail right now and so it’s an extremely high priority that we plan to fix ASAP, though the person who was working on the PR got sick. It didn’t show because inputs and outputs used to set defaults instead of guesses, which isn’t necessarily correct but removing that exposed this issue in the linearization.

This problem is not about initialization, the problem is explained in the first video linked above. Linearization adds one equation per input, so if the model is fully connected such that it simulates, it will not linearize. The solution is to either remove the input binding, or use the analysis-points feature.

@baggepinnen Thanks ! I finally understood the concept of the analysis points with your video, I think I overlooked that at first.

So to be able to conform to your example, I added

  • a custom PositionSensor that is absent from ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.TranslationalPosition. (the one from ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.Position has another connector type).
  • one input and one output at the proper places

However, I get a display error when assembling the equations with the analysis points, and the linearization fails with

ERROR: UndefVarError: `states` not defined
  [1] ap_var(sys::ODESystem)
    @ ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary\nf8EA\src\Blocks\analysis_points.jl:26
  [2] (::ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks.var"#198#199"{…})(ap::ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks.AnalysisPoint, ns::Nothing)
    @ ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary\nf8EA\src\Blocks\analysis_points.jl:426
  [3] generate_connection_set!(connectionsets::Vector{…}, domain_csets::Vector{…}, sys::ODESystem, find::ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks.var"#177#178"{…}, replace::ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks.var"#198#199"{…}, scalarize::Bool, namespace::Nothing)
    @ ModelingToolkit user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\QP8aH\src\systems\connectors.jl:325
  [4] generate_connection_set!(connectionsets::Vector{…}, domain_csets::Vector{…}, sys::ODESystem, find::Function, replace::Function, scalarize::Bool)
    @ ModelingToolkit user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\QP8aH\src\systems\connectors.jl:312
  [5] #generate_connection_set#331
    @ user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\QP8aH\src\systems\connectors.jl:302 [inlined]
  [6] generate_connection_set
    @ user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\QP8aH\src\systems\connectors.jl:298 [inlined]
  [7] expand_connections(sys::ODESystem, find::Function, replace::Function; debug::Bool, tol::Float64, scalarize::Bool)
    @ ModelingToolkit user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\QP8aH\src\systems\connectors.jl:485
  [8] expand_connections
    @ user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkit\QP8aH\src\systems\connectors.jl:483 [inlined]
  [9] linearization_function(sys::ODESystem, input_name::Vector{…}, output_name::Vector{…}; loop_openings::Nothing, kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
    @ ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary\nf8EA\src\Blocks\analysis_points.jl:436
 [10] linearize(sys::ODESystem, input_name::Vector{…}, output_name::Vector{…}; loop_openings::Nothing, kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
    @ ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks user\.julia\packages\ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary\nf8EA\src\Blocks\analysis_points.jl:486

Here is the complete modified example

using ModelingToolkit, ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary, DifferentialEquations
import ModelingToolkit: connect
using GLMakie

@variables t
D = Differential(t)

import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.TranslationalPosition: Mass, Spring, Damper, Fixed, Force, Flange
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks: Constant, RealOutput

@mtkmodel PositionSensor begin
    @components begin
        flange = Flange()
        output = RealOutput()

    @variables begin
        s(t) = 0.0

    @equations begin
        output.u ~ s
        flange.f ~ 0.0

@named mass = Mass(m=1, s=1.0)
@named spring = Spring(k=10, l=0.5)
@named damper = Damper(d=2)
@named tfix = Fixed(s_0=10)
@named g = Force()
@named gval = Constant(k=-9.81)
@named pos = PositionSensor()

eqs = Equation[
    ModelingToolkit.connect(gval.output, :u, g.f)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(mass.flange, :y, pos.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(g.flange, mass.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(spring.flange_a, mass.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(damper.flange_a, mass.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(spring.flange_b, tfix.flange)
    ModelingToolkit.connect(damper.flange_b, tfix.flange)

@named model = ODESystem(eqs, t; systems=[tfix, spring, damper, mass, g, gval, pos])

sys = structural_simplify(model)

initial_conditions = [
    mass.s => 0.0,

prob = ODEProblem(sys, initial_conditions, (0.0, 100.0))
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8, saveat=0:0.1:20)

prob_ss = SteadyStateProblem(prob)
sol_ss = solve(prob_ss, DynamicSS(Rodas5()), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)

f, ax, p = plot(sol)
hlines!(ax, sol_ss.u[1:1], linestyle=:dash)
hlines!(ax, sol_ss.u[2:2], linestyle=:dash)

(; A, B, C, D), simplified_sys = linearize(model, [:u], [:y]; t=Inf, op=Dict(unknowns(sys) .=> sol_ss))

The problem appears to be that you have ended up with incompatible versions of MTK and MTKstdlib, that should not have been possible :thinking:

unknowns used to be called states in a previous version of MTK. What’s the version of MTKstlib?

I’m working with

⌃ [961ee093] ModelingToolkit v9.11.0
  [16a59e39] ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary v2.6.0

a resolve keeps things the same.

I watched the first video you linked to, but I can’t figure what I am doing differently than what you did in your example.

In your system, everything looks connected as in mine, yet, if I do

(; A, B, C, D), simplified_sys = linearize(model, [g.f.u], [pos.output.u])

I keep getting the ExtraEquationSystemException, which is the one that I have and you don’t ? Especially since I follow the same logic than you

  1. Form connections
  2. Simulate
  3. Linearize

In the video, I indicate that you have to remove the connection

ModelingToolkit.connect(gval.output, g.f)

when linearizing, unless you use analysis points.

Ok, then again, my apologies, I should have paid more attention to your video. The analysis points are surely useful to avoid changing the model’s equations between simulation and linearization !

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For the record, updating ModelingToolkit to v9.12.0 and ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary to v2.7.0 did not change the states problem. This line is still present on #main ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl/src/Blocks/analysis_points.jl at fb8a224840fce60c25adf8aa48ae89cf7ff13a9e · SciML/ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl · GitHub

Would you mind opening an issue describing the problem, or a PR fixing it?

Working on the PR.

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See Fix `states` -> `unknowns` by BambOoxX · Pull Request #289 · SciML/ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl · GitHub

EDIT: The PR was merged.

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Do you have a fully working solution for your problem now?

Yes, for this example everything works fine now (using #main). I have another question, but that is for another thread ! Thanks.