MLJ w/Scikitlearn: passing return_std to predict

You’re not missing something, there’s currently no way to pass that argument. It might be good to open an issue at MLJScikitLearnInterface to discuss this (and you could paste what follows).

I doubt that MLJ’s predict signature will be adapted to match this one but I’ll let @ablaom or @samuel_okon discuss that).

What could work is to pass the return_std as a new field of BayesianRidgeRegressor here MLJScikitLearnInterface.jl/linear-regressors.jl at 36882f14321e7e9889aac31447eeed0102eb052f · JuliaAI/MLJScikitLearnInterface.jl · GitHub

then pick that up at predict time here MLJScikitLearnInterface.jl/macros.jl at 36882f14321e7e9889aac31447eeed0102eb052f · JuliaAI/MLJScikitLearnInterface.jl · GitHub

this would also require ScikitLearn.jl to allow passing a return_std=true to predict, that might also require opening an issue there cc @cstjean

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