Minimizing losses in OPF

I have been working on a distribution system where I was minimizing the fuel cost in the objective function using _PMD.solve_mc_opf. However, I currently switched my data to solar generated data using PV panels. This data does not have fuel costs and I want to minimize losses in my objective function. Is there a Power Model Distribution or Power Model function that I can use to minimize losses in the system instead of fuel cost?

Good question. if you set all of the generator fuel costs to a linear function with the same value (e.g. a cost coefficient 1.0) then the optimization will find the minimum losses. If you have “free” power in the system (e.g. via PV units) then you may want to put those costs to 0.0 depending on what you would like to solve.

This is why there is not special functions for loss minimization in PM and PMD, it can be implemented as a special kind of fuel-based cost function which is the default.

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