I’m writing a function which should have two methods, one for vectors of sparse matrices (SparseMatrixCSC) and one for vectors of dense matrices.
I don’t want to pre/dicate about the nature of those matrices beyond the point of distinguishing between sparse and dense. So far, my definition look like:
function f(Tₜ::T) where T <: Vector{SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}}.
function f(Tₜ::T) where T <: Vector{Matrix{Float64}}.
yet I want to get rid of that {Float64} specification.
How would I do it?
Eventually, I would like to write the method so that it would apply to anySparseMatrixCSC or to any Matrix (but distinguishing them).
function f(v::T) where T <: Vector{Matrix{N}} where N v[1]; end
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> v1 = [rand(2,3)]
1-element Vector{Matrix{Float64}}:
[0.6498353443464961 0.8556641584648517 0.05535954378049679; 0.39224917246518864 0.35720373820135043 0.23334843425685636]
julia> f(v1)
2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
0.649835 0.855664 0.0553595
0.392249 0.357204 0.233348
That’s less generic. Your way only allows the outer container to be Julia’s built-in Vector type, as opposed to some other AbstractVector container (e.g. an OffsetArray, an AxisArrays, etcetera).