One of my favourite (and most missed) tools for exploring and debugging code is the trace facility often seen in Lisp. I.e., in Common Lisp, I can just trace any function and get a view of its stack trace:
CL-USER> (trace fib)
CL-USER> (fib 3)
0: (FIB 3)
1: (FIB 2)
2: (FIB 1)
2: FIB returned 1
2: (FIB 0)
2: FIB returned 0
1: FIB returned 1
1: (FIB 1)
1: FIB returned 1
0: FIB returned 2
where fib
is just a naive recursive implementation of the Fibonacci numbers.
Using Cassette.jl, I have hacked together a similar functionality in Julia:
using Cassette
Cassette.@context TraceCtx
function indent(i::Int, s::String)
join(fill("", i), " ") * s
function Cassette.overdub(ctx::TraceCtx, args...)
needprint = :all in ctx.metadata.funs || first(args) in ctx.metadata.funs
if needprint
if first(args) isa Core.Builtin
meth = "Primitive $(first(args))"
meth = "Method $(which(first(args), Base.typesof(args[2:end]...)))"
println(indent(ctx.metadata.indent, "$meth called with $(args[2:end])"))
if Cassette.canrecurse(ctx, args...)
newctx = Cassette.similarcontext(ctx, metadata = (funs = ctx.metadata.funs, indent = ctx.metadata.indent + 4))
res = Cassette.recurse(newctx, args...)
res = Cassette.fallback(ctx, args...)
if needprint
println(indent(ctx.metadata.indent, "returned $res"))
macro trace(expr, funs...)
expresc = esc(expr)
funsesc = esc.(funs)
:(Cassette.overdub(TraceCtx(metadata = (funs = [$(funsesc...)], indent = 0)), () -> $expresc))
which can be used as follows:
julia> fib(n) = if n < 2 n else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) end
fib (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @trace fib(3) fib
Method fib(n) in Main at REPL[6]:1 called with (3,)
Method fib(n) in Main at REPL[6]:1 called with (2,)
Method fib(n) in Main at REPL[6]:1 called with (1,)
returned 1
Method fib(n) in Main at REPL[6]:1 called with (0,)
returned 0
returned 1
Method fib(n) in Main at REPL[6]:1 called with (1,)
returned 1
returned 2
The nice thing about trace is that it can be used interactively, shows all calls of selected functions no matter where and how deep they occur in the call stack and, in case of methods, also shows on which types exactly each call was dispatched.
Is this or a similar functionality already available in Julia, e.g., using some package? If not, did nobody ever wonder which methods – dispatched on which types exactly – get called across the call stack?