Metaprogramming with types

I think the big picture story is that @cscherrer is doing various symbolic transformations on probabilistic models for Soss.jl. There was a big discussion about the design of Soss.jl in Working with ASTs where I tried to understand this very question: why does Chad need so much code generation, and could he maybe do it without calling eval so much :slight_smile:

As I understand it, the sticking point is that the desired transformations are being implemented symbolically and the choice of transformation isn’t known at macro expansion time. So the Soss Model data structure ends up holding an AST and transforming that into the various forms which can be eval’d as appropriate to the needs of a given inference method. This still makes me uneasy because it’s quite different from the julia compilation model: ASTs are carried around outside the code context in which they’re originally written, and it seems hard for the Soss code analysis tools to make much use of the julia compiler (other than as a backend). So it feels like there’s still a weird design mismatch here which would be nice to resolve but as a DSL for statistical models the Soss approach seems to make sense.

@cscherrer hopefully that summary is approximately accurate!

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