Meta programming on fuction definning

There is a function:

function fun(x)
    a = x + 1
    b = x + 2
    return a + b

Is there a way I can do this?

@custom_macro function fun(x)
    a = x + 1
    b = x + 2
    return a + b

So the function fun is actually:

function fun(x)
    @time "line1" a = x + 1
    @time "line2" b = x + 2
    return a + b

Or is there a way I can do this?

function fun(x)
    a = x + 1
    b = x + 2
    return a + b

#when I run 
@custom_macro fun(10)
#It is actually running:
function fun(x)
    @time "line1" a = x + 1
    @time "line2" b = x + 2
    return a + b
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I’m not answering your question, but it looks like you want to get an idea of how different parts of an arbitrary function consume runtime. If that’s the case, check out profiling in Julia.

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I find a way:

macro time_each_line(x)
    args = x.args[2].args
    for i = 1 : size(args, 1)
        args[i] isa Expr || continue
        args[i] = :(@time $i $(args[i]))
    end |> esc

But it is too messy. Any more elegant way ?