Meta discussion about *all* the eigenvalues

Well my dude, that’s exactly the initial question: @rafaelbailo needs, for a research project, to compute the full spectrum of a matrix obtained by the discretization of a 3 dimensional, nonlocal PDE. Due to this high dimensionality, the discretized matrix is (323250)^2… so that’s way more than 1000, and no, that is non negotiable to have just part of the spectrum.

Also thanks for flagging me, I’m a random nobody (lol nope full professor of applied math in one of the best math department in the world).

There is no need to be so aggressive or take everything so personal. It’s a genuine question to ask. Also, your status is not really relevant for determining whether your original message was inappropriate - see here.


Guys… GUYS! You are all flagging me, sending me passive/aggressive emails but all of you are out topic as hell. Rafael Bailo (and myself) are specialist of numerical PDEs, and we are both extremely, acutely aware of all your off topic ramblings… But the thing is: for this practical application we have in mind, which is related to thermonuclear fusion theory, we awfully need to know the full discrete spectrum.


The. Full. Spectrum. Of. The. Discrete. Problem.

If we knew how to compute the continuous spectrum (which consists of an uncountable, essential part, a countable, discrete part AND some eigenvalues), we wouldn’t need to check the discretized one.

But we don’t.

Rather than dismissing the participants of the thread as just “rambling”, it would be more productive to engage in the discussion and explain where their assumptions of what you need and suggestions of alternatives are going wrong. Getting frustrated about it won’t help. That’s exactly what @foobar_lv2 was trying to inquire into.

You are all flagging me, sending me passive/aggressive emails but all of you are out topic as hell

That’s because of the language used in the past comments, not really relevant; cf. the FAQ I linked previously.

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Your messages were rude and didn’t contribute here. Furthermore, your style is not appropriate for anything resembling serious discussion (e.g., all caps or putting punctuation after every word). If you didn’t say you’re a professor (a useless appeal to authority in itself) I’d assume you were a rude schoolboy.

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@Thomas_Rey your messages are being flagged by the community for a reason. You are coming across as needlessly aggressive and rancorous — and we simply don’t do that here.

I can understand your frustration, but we’re just asking you to take it down a notch. I’ve split out this meta discussion from the main thread because it is — ironically — getting in the way of what should be an interesting discussion. We do explicitly ask that you not react to tone and moderation discussions in thread like this for exactly this reason.

Also, a note to all, let’s please avoid the unnecessarily (and emphatically) gendered language assumptions like schoolboys, guys, dudes, etc.

If you’d like a further discussion here, please feel free to DM me.