Memory issues using command line argument

Welcome to the forum @Atasattari :slight_smile:

My first guess would be that there are some repeated allocations which cause the required memory to grow. This is not a problem per se (and it’s impossible to tell without knowing the code that the functions from your include call internally), but I encountered some issues with Slurm and memory management before, similar to what is described in this thread:

I guess this is also why you have this line?

rand(Distributions.Uniform(0,1)) < thr && GC.gc();

Since you report the script is running fine in the first version, here are a few things that might help to limit the memory consumption (although I doubt that the impact will be that large):

  • Your function make_data is compiled only for a string, but you could just do the parse(Int, ...) when you call the function, such that it is already an Int when passed.
  • Remove the N_events::Integer annotations. Not sure what they are intended to do, but they are not necessary – in the worst case, they will convert some variables to a different type in every iteration of the loop.
  • Avoid try catch if possible?