Max of Date and Missing on 0.6.4?

Is this a known bug in 0.6.4?

julia> using Missings

julia> max(Date(1999, 1), missing)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching ifelse(::Missings.Missing, ::Date, ::Missings.Missing)
Closest candidates are:
  ifelse(::Bool, ::Any, ::Any) at operators.jl:282
  ifelse(::AbstractArray{Bool,N} where N, ::Any, ::Any) at deprecated.jl:56
  ifelse(::AbstractArray{Bool,N} where N, ::Any, ::AbstractArray) at deprecated.jl:56
 [1] max(::Date, ::Missings.Missing) at ./operators.jl:348

While on 0.7.0-beta2.0 it returns missing (as expected):

julia> using Dates

julia> max(Date(1999, 1), missing)

Missings.jl only defines max and min for numbers, but it should probably be defined for any type as in Julia 0.7. Feel free to file an issue. However development is really focused on Julia 0.7 now.

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Yeah that’s what I expected. It’s not a big deal for me and I’m happy to work around it. I just wanted to check.