Max function in differential equation

Thanks for that. I started by trying a soft max approach as follows.

    # Define a soft max() function.
    function softmax(x, y, k)
        return log(exp(k*x) + exp(k*y))/k
    dOC_missing = softmax(required_dOC - dOC_content, 0, 10) # max(required_dOC - dOC_content, 0)

However the yielded instability in previously stable solutions, even for larger or smaller K (1, 10, 100). I then opted to implement the callback solution, however this runs out of iterations only in this case.

    condition(u, t, integrator) = p[2] * u[4] - u[2]
    affect!(integrator) = nothing
    max_cb = ContinuousCallback(condition, affect!, save_positions=(false,false))

    # Callback list
    cbs = CallbackSet(carbon_add_cb, max_cb)

    # Build the ODE Problem and Solve
    sol = solve(prob, Rosenbrock23(), callback=cbs, tstops=stops, isoutofdomain=is_invalid_domain, maxiters=1e7)

Tried with autodiff=False and with abstol=1e-10, reltol=1e-10 as well.

Given that my max is max(X, 0), the condition is simply X. I believe the reason this is happening is because the values in X approach equality but not exactly, therefore X tends to 0 rather is equal to it. What is the right way to handle this? I have seen this throughout my model where some variables which are analytically equal to 0 in certain cases tend to 0 instead (e.g. 1e-324).

Reproducible callback failing:

function solve_model(p, u0)
    p = [2.767317774014066e-7, 0.7433220714328409, 15.7, 1.0e9, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.012192, 882000.0]
    u0 = [1.6382099999999998e13, 3.4061512877350002e10, 0.0, 100000.0, 1.461e7]

    # Callback for the max() function in the model - causes a discontinuity.
    # If max equation changes, this condition will have to change.
    condition(u, t, integrator) = p[2] * u[4] - u[2]
    affect!(integrator) = nothing
    max_cb = ContinuousCallback(condition, affect!, save_positions=(false,false))

    # Build the ODE Problem and Solve
    prob = ODEProblem(model, u0[1:end-1], (0.0, last(u0)), p)
    sol = solve(prob, Rosenbrock23(), callback=max_cb, tstops=stops, isoutofdomain=is_invalid_domain, maxiters=1e7)

    return sol

# Implements the differential equations that define the model
function model(du,u,p,t)
    # Paramaters
    mu_max = p[1]
    maintenance_per_cell = p[2]
    dOC_per_cell = p[3]

    carrying_capacity = p[4]
    pOC_input_rate = p[5]
    dOC_input_rate = p[6]
    inorganic_carbon_input_rate = p[7]
    inorganic_carbon_fixing_rate = p[8]
    inorganic_carbon_per_cell = p[9]
    eea_rate = p[10]
    Ks = p[11]

    # Load state conditions
    pOC_content = u[1]
    dOC_content = u[2]
    inorganic_carbon_content = u[3]
    cell_count = u[4]

    growth = mu_max * (dOC_content / (Ks + dOC_content)) * cell_count * (1 - cell_count / carrying_capacity)

    required_dOC = maintenance_per_cell * cell_count

    dOC_missing = max(required_dOC - dOC_content, 0)
    starvation_deaths = dOC_missing == 0 ? 0 : dOC_missing / required_dOC_per_cell

    deaths =  starvation_deaths

    dOC_consumption = maintenance_per_cell * (cell_count - deaths)
    eea_rate = eea_rate * (1 / (1 + exp(-pOC_content))) * 2 - eea_rate
    du[1] = pOC_input_rate - eea_rate*cell_count

    du[2] = dOC_input_rate + dOC_per_cell * (deaths - growth) - dOC_consumption + eea_rate*cell_count

    du[4] = growth - deaths

Example of working parameters:

p = [0.06, 0.1806273414373398, 15.7, 1.0e9, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.012192, 882000.0]