Matrix of Floats and JuMP Variables mixed

I started with functions to build matrices from blocks / components like

function build_A(a::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractMatrix, c::AbstractVector)
  T = promote_type(eltype(a), eltype(b), eltype(c))
  x = [a diagm(c)]
  return [x b ; x zeros(T, size(b))]

Now assume that e.g. c are variables we want to investigate or deciasion variables in an optimization problem.

This approached worked to construct fully symbolic matrices with Symbolics.jl:
With the use of promote_type, all zeros, ones etc. can be set to have a common type, so the resulting matrix has elements “below” Any. Note that Symbolics.Num <: Real, and promote_type(Float64, Symbolics.Num) == Symbolics.Num.

With JuMP, the story is different. There is (intentionally) no common supertype for fixed values (e.g. Real) and variables. The only common “wrapper” for scalars I found so far is AffExpr <: ... <: JuMPAbstractScalar.

I wrote a small test function to check the memory overhead of this wrapping, see below.

function AffExpr_wrap_overhead(T::Type, n::Int)
	x = rand(T,n,n)
	X = AffExpr.(x)

	overhead = Base.summarysize(X) / Base.summarysize(x)
AffExpr_wrap_overhead(n) = AffExpr_wrap_overhead(Float64, n)

Using Float64, the memory overhead is ca 30x (for a dense matrix as by rand). This is enormous.
(My matrices are structed and sparse, so there may be ways to save a lot of AffExpr(0.0). Converting the matrix to SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC need about 0.4-0.5 memory compared to the dense version.)

The matrix (this is a very small example) then may look something like

20Ă—20 Matrix{AffExpr}:
 104   -2    0     -2   -100  0     0     …  0            0            0
 -2    104   -2    0    0     -100  0        1            0            0
 0     -2    104   -2   0     0     -100     0            1            0
 -2    0     -2    104  0     0     0        0            0            1
 -100  0     0     0    100   0     0        0            0            0
 0     -100  0     0    0     100   0     …  0            0            0
 0     0     -100  0    0     0     100      0            0            0
 ⋮                            ⋮           ⋱                            
 0     0     0     0    0     0     0        0            0            0
 0     0     0     0    0     0     0     …  0            0            0
 0     0     0     0    0     0     0        -c[1]        0            -c[4]
 0     0     0     0    0     0     0        c[1] + c[2]  -c[2]        0
 0     0     0     0    0     0     0        -c[2]        c[2] + c[3]  -c[3]
 0     0     0     0    0     0     0        0            -c[3]        c[3] + c[4]

Has anyone another idea how to put things together?
I would like to keep the function / matrix design as it is, because there are multiple levels (one matrix is build with others as blocks all the way down to input parameters.)

(As context, I’m working on a control problem. Descriptions how to build e.g. block matrices are very common in papers.)

(edit: clarification how output looks like)

Hi @HSt, welcome to the forum :smile:

My first question is: does the memory overhead matter?

My second point is: JuMP isn’t really designed for structured matrix inputs. We instead assume that you write out sparse algebraic expressions involving only the relevant variables.

If you could provide a minimal example of what you’re trying to achieve, we might have a suggestion for how you could write your problem in a different way that avoids the zero matrices.

Hi @odow

thanks for clarification on the design.

As I’m starting to try something out, the overhead is acceptable now. Later on it might become annoying or a deal breaker.

I’m familiar enough with Julia and JuMP to write out the model sparse. Using structured matrix input would provide some convenience when manipulationg the input before actually building the model. And it’s easier to check the problem structure is actually correct, at least on small inputs (but this may be personal opinion). And it’s already done in my case…

JuMP is not designed for this workflow / approach. So in the end there are two sets of functions, one building the equations in as structured matrix version and one building directly as JuMP model / adding constraints.

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