Matrix in SymbolicUtils?

how could I create, say a 2x2, symbolic matrix using SymbolicUtils? e.g. something like [a11 a12; a21 a22] where aij are symbols… I cannot find in the manual…

also, could I create a single symbol for a matrix e.g. m, and then access the element as a symbol like m[1,2] ?


I think, you would want to use ModelingToolkit.jl for that, which uses SymbolicUtils under the hood. The relevant documentation for that would probably be in the @variables docstring. You could then write:

julia> using ModelingToolkit

julia> @variables a[1:2, 1:2]
(Operation[a₁ˏ₁ a₁ˏ₂; a₂ˏ₁ a₂ˏ₂],)

a related question: if I’m doing symbolic calculations (e.g. determinant, inverse) of a matrix, is it easier to use Reduce.jl or ModelingToolkit.jl? thanks.

I can’t imagine it getting any simpler than ModelingToolkit. Just literally write the Julia code:

julia> using ModelingToolkit

julia> @variables u[1:3,1:3]
(Operation[u₁ˏ₁ u₁ˏ₂ u₁ˏ₃; u₂ˏ₁ u₂ˏ₂ u₂ˏ₃; u₃ˏ₁ u₃ˏ₂ u₃ˏ₃],)

julia> det(u)
(((1u₁ˏ₁) * (u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * ((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃))) * 1

julia> inv(u)
3×3 Array{Operation,2}:
 u₁ˏ₁ \ ((identity(true) - u₁ˏ₃ * (((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃)) \ ((identity(0) - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * 
(identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true))))) - u₁ˏ₂ * ((u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) \ ((identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)) - (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) * (((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃)) \ ((identity(0) - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)))))))  …  u₁ˏ₁ \ ((identity(0) - u₁ˏ₃ * (((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃)) \ ((identity(true) - (u₃ˏ₁ 
* inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0)) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0))))) - u₁ˏ₂ * ((u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) \ ((identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0)) - (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) * (((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃)) \ ((identity(true) - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0)) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0)))))))        

                                                                   (u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) \ ((identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)) - (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) * (((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃)) \ ((identity(0) - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)))))

                                                                 (u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) \ ((identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0)) - (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) * (((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃)) \ ((identity(true) - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0)) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * 
u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0)))))        

                                                                                           ((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * 
inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - 
(u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃)) \ ((identity(0) - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(true)))

                                                                                      ((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃)) \ ((identity(true) - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0)) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) 
* u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (identity(0) - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * identity(0))) 

and simplify it if you need to:

julia> @time simplify.(inv(u))
  0.225683 seconds (621.50 k allocations: 18.274 MiB)
3×3 Array{Operation,2}:
 u₁ˏ₁ \ (true + -1 * (u₁ˏ₂ * ((-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) \ (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₂ˏ₁ + -1 * ((u₃ˏ₃ + -1 * (inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + 
u₃ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) \ (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₂ˏ₁ * inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂))) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) + u₁ˏ₃ * ((u₃ˏ₃ + -1 * (inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) \ (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₂ˏ₁ * inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂)))))  …  u₁ˏ₁ \ (-1 * 
u₁ˏ₂ * ((-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) \ (-1 * ((u₃ˏ₃ + -1 * (inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) \ 1) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) + -1 * u₁ˏ₃ * ((u₃ˏ₃ + -1 * (inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) \ 1))

           (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) \ (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₂ˏ₁ + -1 * ((u₃ˏ₃ + -1 * (inv(u₁ˏ₁) * 
u₁ˏ₃ * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) \ (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₂ˏ₁ * inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ 
+ u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂))) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))

                                                                                     (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ 
* u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) \ (-1 * ((u₃ˏ₃ + -1 * (inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) \ 1) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))

                (u₃ˏ₃ + -1 * (inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) \ (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(u₁ˏ₁) 
* u₂ˏ₁ * inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂))

                                                                  (u₃ˏ₃ + -1 * (inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₃ˏ₁ + inv(-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₂ * u₃ˏ₁ + u₃ˏ₂) * (-1 * inv(u₁ˏ₁) * u₁ˏ₃ * u₂ˏ₁ + u₂ˏ₃))) \ 1


seems that SymbolicUtils.jl and ModelingToolkit.jl are in pure Julia (is it true?) so that they could seamlessly integrated with Julia. On the other hand, seems that Reduce.jl is from a more mature system and has a more complete documentation.

for example, I cannot find in ModelingToolkit manual about how to get v[1,2] below:

julia> @variables u[1:3,1:3]
(Operation[u₁ˏ₁ u₁ˏ₂ u₁ˏ₃; u₂ˏ₁ u₂ˏ₂ u₂ˏ₃; u₃ˏ₁ u₃ˏ₂ u₃ˏ₃],)

julia> v = LinearAlgebra.det(u)
(((1u₁ˏ₁) * (u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * ((u₃ˏ₃ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃) - ((u₃ˏ₂ - (u₃ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂) * inv(u₂ˏ₂ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₂)) * (u₂ˏ₃ - (u₂ˏ₁ * inv(u₁ˏ₁)) * u₁ˏ₃))) * 1

julia> typeof(v)

julia> typeof(u)

julia> u[1,2]

julia> v[1,2]
ERROR: BoundsError

or, did I miss any documentation besides SymbolicUtils and ModelingToolkit?

The determinant of a matrix is a scalar, so I don’t know what you’re indexing. That BoundsError is correct.



Not necessarily. It has different stuff, but neither supersets the other.

oh my stupid! I was thinking matrix inverse :sweat_smile:

any suggestions? I afraid asking more stupid questions here like “how to bind a value into a symbol”, “how to evaluate a symbolic expressions”, etc… :sweat_smile:

Just ask. That’s the docs we have right now, it’ll get populated more by questions, and maybe people who read the answers will contribute answers back as well :slight_smile:. A lot of the features are automatically generated, so actually documenting what it can do is a weird thing that’s more done in retrospect after figuring out how dispatch generates the features and what names people know that feature by.

1 Like

good for you to be so helpful :smiley:

so I ask more questions now:

  1. how to declare a symbolic complex number in the form of x = a + jb and x = rcosθ + jrsinθ? that is, x,a,b,r,θ are all symbols.
  2. in the following, how do I arrange p as a polynomial in L?
  3. then, how to get the coefficients of the polynomials?
  4. in general, how do I manipulate a SymbolicUtils.Term object? should I transform it into a standard Julia expression (how?) and then transverse the expression tree?
julia> @syms L α₁ α₂
(L, α₁, α₂)

julia> p = (1 - L) * (1 - α₁ * L) * (1 - α₂ * L)
(1 + (-1 * L)) * (1 + (-1 * L * α₁)) * (1 + (-1 * L * α₂))

many thanks! :pray:

Probably answers most of it:

using ModelingToolkit

@variables x a b r θ

x + im * a

x = r*cos(θ) + im*r*sin(θ)

x.op # +

2-element Array{Expression,1}:
          r * cos(θ)
 ((im) * r) * sin(θ)

@shashi would have to answer the polynomial part.

This is super cool! How would one generate a julia function based on this result? I can’t find an obvious way to do it in the docs.

Nevermind, I saw the tutorial. I think I was confused by the “Parallel” in the title…

julia> f_det = eval(ModelingToolkit.build_function( det(u), u ))
#6 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> A = rand(3,3);

julia> det(A)

julia> f_det(A)

The first tutorial is titled " Symbolic Calculations and Building Fast Parallel Functions" :stuck_out_tongue:. Let’s multithread it:

using ModelingToolkit
@variables u[1:3,1:3]
A = inv(u)

which creates:

:((var"##MTIIPVar#82901", var"##MTKArg#82899")->begin
          @inbounds begin
                      @sync begin
                              let (u₁ˏ₁, u₂ˏ₁, u₃ˏ₁, u₁ˏ₂, u₂ˏ₂, u₃ˏ₂, u₁ˏ₃, u₂ˏ₃, u₃ˏ₃) = (var"##MTKArg#82899"[1], var"##MTKArg#82899"[2], var"##MTKArg#82899"[3], var"##MTKArg#82899"[4], var"##MTKArg#82899"[5], var"##MTKArg#82899"[6], var"##MTKArg#82899"[7], var"##MTKArg#82899"[8], var"##MTKArg#82899"[9])
                                      Threads.@spawn begin
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[1] = (getproperty(Base, :\))(u₁ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))(u₁ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, 
:\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true)))))))), (getproperty(Base, :*))(u₁ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true))), (getproperty(Base, 
:*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, 
:inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, 
:*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true))))))))))))
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[2] = (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), 
(getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, 
:-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true)))))))))
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[3] = (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, 
:*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), 
u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(true))))))
                                      Threads.@spawn begin
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[4] = (getproperty(Base, :\))(u₁ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))(u₁ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0)))))))), (getproperty(Base, :*))(u₁ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))))))))))))
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[5] = (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), 
(getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0)))))))))
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[6] = (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, 
:*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))))))
                                      Threads.@spawn begin
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[7] = (getproperty(Base, :\))(u₁ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))(u₁ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0)))))))), (getproperty(Base, :*))(u₁ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))))))))))))
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[8] = (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0)))))))))
                                              var"##MTIIPVar#82901"[9] = (getproperty(Base, :\))((getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₃, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, 
:*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₃)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))((getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(true), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₃ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₃ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), u₁ˏ₂)), (getproperty(Base, :inv))((getproperty(Base, :-))(u₂ˏ₂, (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), 
u₁ˏ₂)))), (getproperty(Base, :-))(identity(0), (getproperty(Base, :*))((getproperty(Base, :*))(u₂ˏ₁, (getproperty(Base, :inv))(u₁ˏ₁)), identity(0))))))
                                      Threads.@spawn begin
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This is very impressive!

What’s going on with the empty Threads.@spawn begin end towards the end?

It’s trying to do load balancing for my 4 cores, but it’s definitely not expensive enough to make good use of 4