Massive memory allocation on iterating algorithm `8.789115 seconds (26.65 M allocations: 7.826 GiB, 25.07% gc time)`

Type assertion might narrow the types. Because compare is only meaningful between Int, so we can narrow type to Int before comparing. This might be better than invoke <(::Union{Nothing,Int},Union{Nothing,Int}).
Edit: compiler is good at optimizing, I guess compiler can do union splitting on this case, so adding type assertion might not be quite useful here.

Follwing your suggested approach for the cross_parents function did indeed reduced memory allocation to about half but doubled run time. That is why I decided to stick to existing approach.

After follwing most tips performance is amazing 0.926318 seconds (3.88 M allocations: 485.378 MiB, 10.53% gc time)

Here is the most up to date code:

        - using Random, CSV, DataFrames
        - const file = "21_Points.csv"
        - const pop_size = 20000
        - const elites = 200
        - const survivors = 9900
        - const mutts = 5000
        - const gens = 50
        - function generate_distance_matrix(file = "21_Points.csv")
        -     #Importar datos de Excel
        0     nodes_import =, header = true)
        -     #Definir que hay en cada columna del excel y cuantos nodos hay en total
        0     num_nodes = size(nodes_import,1)
        -     idcol = 1
        -     Xcol = 2
        -     Ycol = 3
        -     #Generar la Matriz de distancias a partir del numero de nodos
        0     distance_matrix = Array{Float64}(undef, (num_nodes, num_nodes))
        -     #Llenar la matriz de distancias entre todos los puntos usando Pitagoras
        0     for n in 1:num_nodes
        0         for s in 1:num_nodes
        0             distance_matrix[n,s] = sqrt((nodes_import[n,Ycol] - nodes_import[s,Ycol])^2 +
        -             (nodes_import[n,Xcol] - nodes_import[s,Xcol])^2)
        -         end
        -     end
        -     #println(pretty_table(nodes_import))
        -     #println(pretty_table(distance_matrix))
        0     return distance_matrix
        - end
        - const distance_matrix = generate_distance_matrix("21_Points.csv")
        - const num_nodes = size(distance_matrix, 1)
        - function fitness_function(path)
        -     return distance_matrix[path[end],path[1]] +
        -         sum(distance_matrix[path[i-1],path[i]] for i = 2:num_nodes)
        - end
        - struct Individual
        -     generation::Int
        -     genes::Vector{Int}
        -     fitness_score::Float64
        - end
        - Individual(gen, genes) = Individual(gen, genes, fitness_function(genes))
        - function init_poulation(pop_size)
   160080     population = Vector{Individual}(undef,pop_size)
        0     for i in 1:pop_size
  6080000         population[i] = Individual(1,randperm(num_nodes))
        -     end
        0     return population
        - end
        - function new_generation!(population, mating_pool, gen)
        0     for p in 1:survivors
        0         parent1 = mating_pool[p]
        0         parent2 = mating_pool[rand(1:survivors)]
        0         for (c,I) in enumerate(cross_parents(parent1.genes, parent2.genes, gen))
        0             if c == 1
        0                 population[elites+p] = I
        0             elseif c == 2
        0                 population[elites+survivors+p] = I
        -             else
        0                 print("Error")
        -             end
        -         end
        -     end
        0     for m in 1:(mutts÷2)
        0         mutt_1 = population[rand(10:pop_size)]
        0         mutt_2 = population[rand(10:pop_size)]
        0         mutate_type1!(mutt_1)
        0         mutate_type2!(mutt_2)
        -     end
        - end
        - function cross_parents(parent1_genes, parent2_genes, gen)
        0     cross_point = rand(1:num_nodes-1)
131947200     ch1_genes = similar(parent1_genes)
131947200     ch2_genes = similar(parent2_genes)
 23284800     ch1_genes[1:cross_point] = @view parent1_genes[1:cross_point]
 23284800     ch2_genes[1:cross_point] = @view parent2_genes[1:cross_point]
        0     parent1_left = @view parent1_genes[cross_point+1:end]
        0     parent2_left = @view parent2_genes[cross_point+1:end]
130339920     ch1_pending = similar(parent1_left, Tuple{Int, Int})
130339920     ch2_pending = similar(parent2_left, Tuple{Int, Int})
        0     for (index, value) in enumerate(parent1_left)
        0         ch1_pending[index] = (value, findfirst(isequal(value), parent2_genes)::Int64)
        -     end
 43035072     sort!(ch1_pending, by = last)
        0     for (index, (value, _)) in enumerate(ch1_pending)
        0         ch1_genes[cross_point+index] = value
        -     end
        0     for (i, v) in enumerate(parent2_left)
        0         ch2_pending[i] = (v, findfirst(isequal(v), parent1_genes)::Int64)
        -     end
 43035072     sort!(ch2_pending, by = last)
        0     for (i,(v, _)) in enumerate(ch2_pending)
        0         ch2_genes[cross_point+i] = v
        -     end
 46569600     return (Individual(gen,ch1_genes), Individual(gen,ch2_genes))
        - end
        - function mutate_type1!(mutt_1::Individual)
        0     mutt_gene = rand(1:num_nodes-1)
        0     i = findfirst(isequal(mutt_gene), mutt_1.genes)
        0     j = findfirst(isequal(mutt_gene+1), mutt_1.genes)
        0     mutt_1.genes[i] = mutt_gene+1
        0     mutt_1.genes[j] = mutt_gene
        - end
        - function mutate_type2!(mutt_2::Individual)
        0     mutt_gene = rand(1:num_nodes-2)
        0     i = findfirst(isequal(mutt_gene), mutt_2.genes)
        0     j = findfirst(isequal(mutt_gene+2), mutt_2.genes)
        0     mutt_2.genes[i] = mutt_gene+2
        0     mutt_2.genes[j] = mutt_gene
        - end
        - function GA()
     2560     population = init_poulation(pop_size)
    79312     mating_pool = Array{Individual}(undef, survivors)
        0     for g = 2:gens
        0         partialsort!(population, survivors, by = p -> p.fitness_score)
     2352         mating_pool = @view population[1:survivors]
        0         new_generation!(population, mating_pool, g)
        0         if (population[1].fitness_score == population[elites].fitness_score) || ((g - population[1].generation) > 6)
        0             print("Convergencia en la GEN")
        0             println(g)
        0             print("TODOS ELITES IGUALES")
        -             break
        -         end
        0         if ((g - population[1].generation) > gens/5)
        0             print("Convergencia en la GEN")
        0             println(g)
        0             print("SIN CAMBIOS en x GENS x = ")
        0             println(gens/5)
        -             break
        -         end
     9968         println(g)
        -     end
    80144     sort!(population, by = p -> p.fitness_score)
        0     return population[1]
        - end
        0 @time winner = GA()
        - print(winner)

Huh, that’s very surprising to me :thinking: Is the CSV file you’re using publicly available? I’d like to play around with it a little, if that’s possible.

This are the points I was using (they are actually 23 :grimacing: haha) They are random coordinates between 1 and 100.

ID,X coordinate,Y coordiante
1 Like

Additionally, Julia arrays are column-major, so iterating the first dimension should take place in the innermost loop:

for s in 1:num_nodes
    for n in 1:num_nodes
        distance_matrix[n,s] = sqrt((nodes_import[n,Ycol] - nodes_import[s,Ycol])^2 +
        (nodes_import[n,Xcol] - nodes_import[s,Xcol])^2)