I am using the plotly() backend for plots in pluto.jl and for some reason cannot change the marker shape, I am wondering if I am misunderstanding or calling it wrong, but I haven’t found a solution after a decent amount of googling.
#Since it is in pluto I will just label the cells
#Cell 1
using Plots
#Cell 2
#Cell 3
rando1 = rand(10) .* 10
rando2 = rand(10) .* 10
plot(rando1,rando2,mc=:red,lc=:red, marker=true)
The colors update etc, but I cannot get the markershape to change, even if I define it on the first plot call as well. I don’t know if it affects anything, but I have several plots in several different cells. I wondered if the plot!() call was maybe updating a more current plot in a different cell, but the marker shape doesn’t seem to be changing anywhere.
Any help would be much appreciated!