Mapslices and @threads

I am fooling around with 1.30-rc1 and would like to understand how to make a call on mapslices threaded.

Since mapslices can emulate a loop over an array dimension, it would nice to make that “loop” Threads.@threads. Does anyone have a hint?

Writing a loop over eachcol(x) is usually faster than mapslices even before you add threading. Or you can use my SliceMap, which has tmapcols. Or use JuliennedArrays for more complicated slicing.


My use case us that I want to write code that can take an AbstractArray as input and then do operations along one dimension. In some calls the array will be a Matrix, but in other cases there will be more dimensions.

This rules out eachcol and probably SliceMap, or? Not even eachslice seems to work well since it only allows a single dimension in dims.

If I understand right, then yes, eachslice allows only one “outer” dimension, meaning that your function will get N-1-dimensional arrays when acting on an N-array. Slightly confusingly mapslices takes the “inner” dimensions as dims instead, as do Slices and slicemap. But these should be more general:

julia> map(ndims, eachslice(ones(1,2,3), dims=3))
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> mapslices(ndims, ones(1,2,3), dims=(1,2))
1×1×3 Array{Int64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =

[:, :, 2] =

[:, :, 3] =

julia> using JuliennedArrays

julia> map(ndims, Slices(ones(1,2,3), 1,2))
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> using SliceMap

julia> slicemap(ndims, ones(1,2,3), dims=(1,2))
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

Here of course the function gives a scalar; had it made an array then the map examples would be arrays of arrays, needing reduce(hcat,... or Align etc, which is built into mapslices / slicemap.

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Here is my solution. Hope it helps.

import Base.Threads
import Base: Slice, concatenate_setindex!

    par_mapslices(f, A::AbstractArray{<:Real,N}, args...; dims=N, kw...)

# Arguments
- `dims`: the dimension apply f

@seealso `mapslices`

# Example
A = rand(10, 10, 30, 4)
par_mapslices(mean, A)
function par_mapslices(f, A::AbstractArray{<:Real,N}, args...; dims=N, kw...) where {N}
  idx1 = ntuple(d -> d in dims ? (:) : firstindex(A, d), ndims(A))
  Aslice = A[idx1...]
  r1 = f(Aslice)

  _dims = size(A) |> collect
  _dims[dims] = length(r1)

  dim_mask = ntuple(d -> d in dims, ndims(A))

  itershape = ntuple(d -> d in dims ? Base.OneTo(1) : axes(A, d), ndims(A))
  indices = CartesianIndices(itershape)

  R = zeros(eltype(r1), _dims...)

  slice_A = Slice.(axes(A))
  slice_R = Slice.(axes(R))

  @inbounds Threads.@threads for I in indices
    idx = ifelse.(dim_mask, slice_A, Tuple(I))
    ridx = ifelse.(dim_mask, slice_R, Tuple(I))

    # _unsafe_getindex!(Aslice, A, idx...)
    Aslice = @view A[idx...]
    r = f(Aslice, args...; kw...)
    concatenate_setindex!(R, r, ridx...)
  R |> squeeze