Manually reloading a module in 1.1?

What does Lisp do with objects created at the REPL? E.g., typeof(a). Those objects may not have the data needed to “convert” them to a new type.

Not easily. I think it’s still worth thinking about, but probably an easier solution would be to define new gensymmed type names and have some sort of autoreplacement. A sketch might be

Tnew = gensym(
mths = methodswith(Told)
for m in mths
    Core.eval(m.mod, replacesym!(definition(m), Told=>Tnew)
Core.eval(mod_of_struct, replacesym!(struct_expr, Told=>Tnew))

together with a call to replacesym! in Revise’s REPL loop. Would make a great PR for someone interested in learning a bit more about Revise’s internals!