I wanted to make a button grid that parallels the physical device I am plotting against, I am currently using code like this for the button section:
fig_volt = Figure()
elec_vis = fig_volt[2, 1:2] = GridLayout(halign=:left)
# For each of the lines of hardware (they are stacked)
for (i, line) in enumerate(volt.geo.order)
electrodes = volt.geo.lines[line] # This just gives the line in order
total_width = sum(e.right - e.left for e in electrodes) # if e.name != "_")
# I make a new row for holding the line
elec_row = elec_vis[i, 1] = GridLayout()
for (j, electrode) in enumerate(electrodes)
# There is special names that are set to _ to be ignored
if electrode.name != "_"
# I calculated this previously as what I expected as a ratio
# But it didn't work, so I use the placeholder 20 currently
relative_width = (electrode.right - electrode.left) / total_width
e = Button(elec_row[1, j],
width=20, # Relative(relative_width),
# I tried adjusting the font-size to the figure size but it was really laggy and didn't really work, goal was to keep font in the button, not getting cut off
# fontsize=lift(x -> (relative_width / total_width) * x.widths[1], fig.scene.viewport),
# I set these to false to get the buttons closer togeather
height=Auto(false, 1),
# While I was working on this I was debugging with this text
println("Working on $(electrode.name) with width: $(electrode.right - electrode.left), relative: $(relative_width)")
# This is why I wanted the buttons so they could interact with them like they expect them to be (as they worked with he physical layout)
on(e.clicks) do _
electrode_active[] = electrode.name
I was wondering if anyone could help me understand the display options better, I have been reading the docs but I can’t seem to make this one work in the way I want. Specifically, I want it to fit into the figure and adjust the rows of button size to be fit into the figure. Here is the current figure displaying:
If anyone is able to help I would very much appreciate it and have a good day