I’m trying to display images as posters around a 3D environment using GLMakie. For that purpose, I wrote the following code
using Makie
using GeometryBasics
using FileIO
struct Sprite{T<:RGB,T2<:Integer,T3<:Point3, T4<:Point2,T5<:Vec3}
Map `img` onto a flat 3D surface
function sprite(img,rect=Rect2(-0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0))
points = decompose(Point3f, rect)
normals = decompose(GeometryBasics.Normal(Vec3f), rect)
faces = decompose(GLTriangleFace, rect)
uv = decompose(UV(Point2f), rect)
Sprite(points, faces, normals, uv, img)
function Makie.convert_arguments(::Type{<:AbstractPlot}, sp::Sprite)
gb_mesh = GeometryBasics.Mesh(sp.points, sp.faces; uv = sp.uv, normal =sp.normals) # this does not error, but I can't see the image
# gb_mesh = GeometryBasics.Mesh(GeometryBasics.meta(sp.points; uv=sp.uv, sp.normals), sp.faces) # this used to work, but now errors.
PlotSpec(Makie.Mesh, gb_mesh,color=sp.img)
When I call the plot function on a Sprite object, I used to see the image projected onto a 3D surface, that I could then rotate and place around my environment. However, in the latest version of Makie, I no longer see the image. In fact, the commented line in the plot function produces an error, and when I replace it with the previous line, I do not see the image, but just a beige looking rectangle.
img = FileIO.load("camel.png")
sp = Sprite(mg, Rect2(-1.25, -2.5/1.2/2, 2.5, 2.5/1.2))
What is the proper way of creating such orientable sprites in GLMakie? The test image “camel.png” can be downloaded from here: Hippocampus.jl/artefacts/camel 1.png at 0ebdc6d5a12eaa01efe4052b99ef54dceaa0b41f · grero/Hippocampus.jl · GitHub