Makie series plot with only one label for legend?

Does anyone know if its possible to make a series plot that includes only one label for the whole series (instead of an array of labels that get displayed on the legend).

For example, say I had some experimental trial data as follows:

using GLMakie

trial_1 = [1, 5, 3]
trial_2 = [2, 9, 1]
trial_3 = [4, 2, 7]
trials = [trial_1 trial_2 trial_3]

Now I want to plot the mean of these trials as well as the separate trials as follows:

fig, ax = series(trials, solid_color=(:red, 0.3))
lines!(ax, vec(mean(trials, dims=1)), color=:red, label="mean")

The legend currently displays, “series 1”, “series 2”, and “series 3”. Ideally, I’d want this to display just one label named “trials” (so there would only be two legend entries: “trials” and “mean”).

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Have you tried the merge keyword as described in the docs (Legend · Makie)?

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Yeah cheers, I did know about the merge keyword, but my problem was that I couldn’t input a single label for all the series plots.

But now using merge at least I can input an array of the same labels and it will work as I want:

fig, ax = series(trials, solid_color=(:red, 0.3), labels=repeat(["trials"], 5))
lines!(ax, vec(mean(trials, dims=1)), color=:red, label="mean", linewidth=4)
axislegend(ax, merge=true)

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use Legend

using GLMakie, Statistics

trial_1 = [1, 5, 3]
trial_2 = [2, 9, 1]
trial_3 = [4, 2, 7]
trials = [trial_1 trial_2 trial_3]

colors = [:blue, :red]
function plot_res()
    fig = Figure()
    ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
    series!(ax, trials, solid_color=colors[1])
    lines!(ax, vec(mean(trials, dims=1)), color=colors[2], label="mean")
    elems = [PolyElement(color=c, strokecolor=:blue, strokewidth=1) for c in colors]
    Legend(fig[1, 2], elems, ["Trials", "Mean"])
