Makie mathcal boldface

Hi all,

I’m having an issue using calligraphic fonts using LaTeXStrings.jl within Makie. A previous question noted that the default calligraphic fonts didn’t align between LaTeXStrings and their tex file – and this problem persisted with both Makie and Plots.jl.

I’m less concerned with the exact font, but I find that the default in Makie is boldface. So, instead of
I get

using CairoMakie, LaTeXStrings

f = Figure(figsize=(100,100))
ax = CairoMakie.Axis(f[1,1], title=L"$\mathcal{P}+P$", titlesize=30)
save("mathcal_bold_makie.png", f)

Just using Plots, this doesn’t happen, so it seems to be something specific to Makie.

Thanks in advance!

You should open an issue in MathTeXEngine.jl, as that package is what resolves the tex expressions to glyphs which Makie then just displays.