Hi all,
I’m having an issue using calligraphic fonts using LaTeXStrings.jl within Makie. A previous question noted that the default calligraphic fonts didn’t align between LaTeXStrings and their tex file – and this problem persisted with both Makie and Plots.jl.
I’m less concerned with the exact font, but I find that the default in Makie is boldface. So, instead of
I get
using CairoMakie, LaTeXStrings
f = Figure(figsize=(100,100))
ax = CairoMakie.Axis(f[1,1], title=L"$\mathcal{P}+P$", titlesize=30)
save("mathcal_bold_makie.png", f)
Just using Plots, this doesn’t happen, so it seems to be something specific to Makie.
Thanks in advance!