Regarding the function image()
I have two questions
- If I use
, how can I get the current upper offset / padding? - Is it possible to plot a SVG-figure into a GLMakie-figure?
I had to struggle to understand the concept of the parameter space
of the function image() / image!()
and in the end the concept is now clear to me, below my snippet that should help others to get started with the Makie
-function image() / image!()
using GLMakie
using FileIO: load
# --- params:
case_nr = 5 # space options: #1 :data, #2 :pixel, #3 :relative, #4 :clip (top, left), #5 :clip (center, center)
y_scale = 1.0
fig_width = 800
fig_hight = 600
x_offset = +0
y_offset = -80
x_img_frac = 0.1
# ---
img_ = load(assetpath("icon_transparent.png"));
# img_ = load(assetpath("icon_transparent.svg"));
aspect_ratio = size(img_)[1] / size(img_)[2]
# --- plot:
fig_ = Figure(resolution = (fig_width, fig_hight))
ax_ = Axis(fig_[1, 1])
x_vec = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1]
y_vec = y_scale .* x_vec
scatter!(ax_, x_vec, y_vec)
# --- space: ---
# --- space::Symbol = :data sets the transformation space for the position of the image. See Makie.spaces() for possible inputs.
# --- spaces() = (:data, :pixel, :relative, :clip)
if case_nr == 1
Δx_img = x_img_frac * abs(x_vec[end] - x_vec[1])
# image!(ax_, [x_vec[end] - Δx_img, x_vec[end]], [y_vec[1], y_vec[1] + aspect_ratio * Δx_img], img_, space = :data, overdraw = true, transparency = true)
x_range = [x_vec[1], x_vec[1] + Δx_img]
y_range = [y_vec[end] - aspect_ratio * Δx_img, y_vec[end]]
@show x_range y_range
image!(ax_, x_range, y_range, img_, space = :data, overdraw = true, transparency = true)
ax_.title = "space = :data"
elseif case_nr == 2
Δx_img = x_img_frac * fig_width
x_range = x_offset .+ [0, Δx_img]
y_range = y_offset .+ [fig_hight - aspect_ratio * Δx_img, fig_hight]
@show x_range y_range
image!(ax_, x_range, y_range, img_, space = :pixel, overdraw = true, transparency = true)
ax_.title = "space = :pixel"
elseif case_nr == 3
image!(ax_, [0.0, 0.1], [0.9, 1.0], img_, space = :relative, overdraw = true, transparency = true)
ax_.title = "space = :relative"
elseif case_nr == 4
image!(ax_, [-1.0, -0.8], [0.8, 1.0], img_, space = :clip, overdraw = true, transparency = true)
ax_.title = "space = :clip (top. left)"
elseif case_nr == 5
image!(ax_, [-0.1, 0.1], [-0.1, 0.1], img_, space = :clip, overdraw = true, transparency = true)
ax_.title = "space = :clip (center, center)"
error("Case not defined!")
screen_ = display(fig_)