Makie doesn't show anything when run as a script

I am trying to plot something using Makie in the test.jl file. But it doesn’t show figure when using julia test.jl.

Here is my code:

using GLMakie
xs = cos.(1:0.5:20)
ys = sin.(1:0.5:20)
zs = LinRange(0, 3, length(xs))
a=meshscatter(xs, ys, zs, markersize = 0.1, color = zs)

Thanks for any suggestions.

run it with

julia -i test.jl

basically you need to stop Julia from exiting

thank you, it works by adding “-i”. But I am curious what is the propose of “-i”, it looks like force julia go to the REPL, because after I ran above commend, it jumped into the REPL. I am wondering could I stay in my previous environment. Thanks

for the display window to stay open, the Julia process can’t exit. You can also put a readline() after the display() but you still won’t be able to use that terminal session.

-i puts you into interactive mode (REPL) after executing the script, which is a way to prevent exiting

I see, thank you. I am wondering if I add Scene() whether it could help me to stay on terminal. Thanks

You can also prevent exit by sleeping on the initial task:

using GLMakie

function main()
    fig = Figure()
    ax = Axis3(fig[1,1])
    xs = cos.(1:0.5:20)
    ys = sin.(1:0.5:20)
    zs = LinRange(0, 3, length(xs))
    a = meshscatter!(ax, xs, ys, zs, markersize = 0.1, color = zs)
    exit = Observable(false)
    exit_button = Button(fig[2,1]; label="Quit", tellwidth=false, tellheight=false)
    on(exit_button.clicks) do _
        exit[] = true
    while !exit[]


Edit In response to the comment below from @albheim, that is indeed a much simpler solution.

using GLMakie

function main()
    fig = Figure()
    ax = Axis3(fig[1,1])
    xs = cos.(1:0.5:20)
    ys = sin.(1:0.5:20)
    zs = LinRange(0, 3, length(xs))
    a = meshscatter!(ax, xs, ys, zs, markersize = 0.1, color = zs)


On the phone so haven’t tried, but I believe you can also call wait on the return from display to wait until the window decides it is done. E.g. wait(display(fig))


i can confirm that wait(screen) works, but…

what if you have multiple screens open? is there a way to wait to exit julia when running a GLMakie script until after they are all closed? i tried adding a wait to each, but the first one then became unresponsive to observable events.

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Hmm, do you have an example?

I tried something like this

using GLMakie

a = lines(rand(10))
b = scatter(rand(10))

ad = display(GLMakie.Screen(), a)
bd = display(GLMakie.Screen(), b)


and that seems to be responsive (can zoom in both windows, assume that is some type of observable event?) and the program is only closed when both windows have been closed.