I want to plot a transparent square over certain time ranges in the Gantt chart @Mattriks created here.
It looks like this:
And I want it to look somtehing like this:
How could I do it?
I want to plot a transparent square over certain time ranges in the Gantt chart @Mattriks created here.
It looks like this:
And I want it to look somtehing like this:
How could I do it?
You can add layers with Geom.bar
and alpha
. Like so
using DataFrames
using Dates
using Gadfly
D1 = DataFrame(y = Int[1, 2, 3, 4],
ylab=["Collect data", "Clean data", "Analyze data", "Write report"],
x = Date.(["2017-04-01", "2018-04-01", "2018-06-01", "2019-04-01"]),
xend = Date.(["2018-04-01", "2018-06-01", "2019-04-01", "2020-04-01"]),
id = ["a","b","b","c"]
ylabdict = Dict(i=>D1[!,:ylab][i] for i in 1:4)
coord = Coord.cartesian(ymin=0.4, ymax=4.6)
D2 = DataFrame(y=Int[5],
xmin=Date.(["2017-01-01"]), xmax=Date.(["2017-06-01"])
D3 = DataFrame(y=Int[5],
xmin=Date.(["2018-06-01"]), xmax=Date.(["2018-12-31"])
l2 = layer(D2, xmin=:xmin, xmax=:xmax, y=:y, Geom.bar, alpha=[0.2], Theme(default_color="white"), order=1)
l3 = layer(D3, xmin=:xmin, xmax=:xmax, y=:y, Geom.bar, alpha=[0.2], Theme(default_color="white"), order=1)
p = plot(D1, coord,
layer(x=:x, xend=:xend, y=:y, yend=:y, color=:id, Geom.segment, Theme(line_width=10mm)),
Guide.xlabel("Time"), Guide.ylabel(""),
Theme(key_position=:none), l2, l3
Then you get the following image
Thanks! That’s exactly what I wanted!
An update to the above code:
D1 = DataFrame(
ylab=["Collect data", "Clean data", "Analyze data", "Write report"],
x=Date.(["2017-04-01", "2018-04-01", "2018-06-01", "2019-04-01"]),
xend=Date.(["2018-04-01", "2018-06-01", "2019-04-01", "2020-04-01"]),
D2 = DataFrame(xmin=Date.(["2017-01-01", "2018-06-01"]),
xmax=Date.(["2017-07-01", "2018-12-31"]))
l2=layer(D2, xmin=:xmin, xmax=:xmax, Geom.vband, color=[colorant"red"], alpha=[0.2])
p = plot(D1, Scale.y_discrete,
layer(x=:x, xend=:xend, y=:ylab, yend=:ylab, color=:id, Geom.segment,
Theme(line_width=10mm)), l2,
Guide.xlabel("Time"), Guide.ylabel(""), Theme(key_position=:none))
See Geom.band in the Gadfly docs
Great! Thanks!