Make IJulia completly independent from Python

@stevengj already mentioned remote client but let me directly link remote_ikernel as I find it’s quite useful. You can connect to IJulia running in cluster/workstation from Jupyter Lab/Notebook running on your laptop.


Just curious, what’s the current status of nteract+Julia? There was a post on Slack by @avik, stating that it works with JuliaPro’s IJulia - but does it require JuliaPro or will it also with a “normal” Julia install?

I use linux and a “normal” Julia install, and nteract performs smoothly. Indeed it looks beautiful :smiley:

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Thanks for the info, @CasUpg!

Nteract should work with plain Julia, but you’ll need to manually add a “kernel”. It’s basically a JSON file with a path to your julia executable, that’s read by the jupyter runtime, or nteract, as the case may be. It’s normally written to by IJulia build, but that depens on python being available. And JuliaPro writes to it from it’s installer. In summary, if you manually create the kernel json, you can use Nteract without Python.



No, the IJulia build step does not depend on Python or Jupyter being available anymore.

IJulia installs the JSON kernel specification file for you in the standard location specified by the Jupyter specification, which is used by nteract as well, so you shouldn’t have to do anything manually. JuliaPro is not needed.


One day, hopefully, something native (without Python, JavaScript or HTML) will emerge, most likely based on the WebAssembly, which will improve the speed and the size of it. Maybe Mozilla Iodide can be a good candidate, who knows? See their alpha.

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Yes, indeed, I mis-remembered. IJulia now installs python if not found only on the first run of notebook(). So yes, just installing IJulia should be sufficient to get nteract to work correctly.