Hi all,
We are planning on making a new major release over at GitHub - JuliaIO/HDF5.jl: Save and load data in the HDF5 file format from Julia . This is a results of several contributors making vastly needed upgrades (big thanks to @jkleinh, @jmert , and @jipolanco)
I just wanted to make a notice for any changes people would like to see make it in this release before we create a tag.
There’s an outstanding issue to use a more Dict like interface, which perhaps we should also try to get in the release. This should be low hanging and we can probably get this in (although this is a non-breaking change, we can add dep warns for this)
There’s also the issue of Taking the array indexing interface seriously - #17 by Raf, ref: DimensionalData.jl and DiskArrays.jl. We should probably push towards such a change, but that might take longer to accomplish. cc @Raf @fabiangans