Macros for Gtk.jl MIA

I can’t find the macros for Gtk. Does anyone know where they are, how to download, install and invoke them. Without them, few of the examples will work.

Many thanks.

Could you provide a bit more detail about what isn’t working? Why are you looking for macros? Which examples aren’t working? The getting started section of the docs isn’t using any macros:

And just randomly checking some of the other sections I can’t see macros either.

For instance, this example in the Gtk docs uses macros, but it runs just fine.

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Thanks Rafael. Yes, I got that to run just fine, but this (from Gtk on Julia -

using Gtk, Gtk.ShortNames, Graphics

win = @Window(“My window”)
f = @Frame(“A frame”)
push!(win, f)

produces many errors:

julia> using Gtk, Gtk.ShortNames, Graphics

julia> win = @Window(“My window”)
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: @GtkWindow not defined
in expression starting at :0

julia> f = @Frame(“A frame”)
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: @GtkFrame not defined
in expression starting at :0

julia> push!(win, f)
ERROR: UndefVarError: win not defined
[1] top-level scope at REPL[4]:1

julia> showall(win)

Where are the macros? Is there a file? Any documentation?

Many thanks.

I’m not sure how old the document you linked to is, there may have been changes since then.

In any case, the following works:

using Gtk.ShortNames, Graphics

win = Window("My window")
f = Frame("A frame")
push!(win, f)

Yes, that works. What I was looking at must be old. It uses @Window and @Frame and you use just Window and Frame.

Thanks again!