Anytime I get something that evaluates false inside of a testset I get a macro expansion error. The testset runs as expected and gives a summary as expected, but throws the macro expansion error first, and I am a bit unsure why. I don’t think it will affect my testing, but I just want to check. Here is the most basic example
using Test
@testset "Macro expansion error" begin
@test false
@test true
I feel like maybe I messed something up somewhere, but I deleted the REPL and started a new one (I am using VS Code) and it didn’t make a difference.
Here is the output
Macro expansion error: Test Failed at REPL[4]:2
Expression: false
[1] macro expansion
@ C:\Users\child\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.7.1\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Test\src\Test.jl:445 [inlined]
[2] macro expansion
@ REPL[4]:2 [inlined]
[3] macro expansion
@ C:\Users\child\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.7.1\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Test\src\Test.jl:1283 [inlined]
[4] top-level scope
@ REPL[4]:2
Test Summary: | Pass Fail Total
Macro expansion error | 1 1 2
ERROR: Some tests did not pass: 1 passed, 1 failed, 0 errored, 0 broken.
The tests still run, so if it is not a problem I will move forward, I just wanted to know.
Thanks so much!
Are you referring to the part of the output that says Macro expansion error? That’s just the value of the string that you wrote after @testset. There is no actual macro expansion error. All of the macro expansion entries in the stacktrace are a bit noisy, but what you really care about is the location in your source code of the failed test.
Here is a somewhat more realistic example. Suppose you have a file called test_foo.jl that contains the following code:
using Test
bar() = 1
foo(x) = 2x
@testset "hello world" begin
@test foo(1) == 3
Now in the REPL we observe the following if we include that file:
julia> include("test_foo.jl")
hello world: Test Failed at /Users/cameron/test_foo.jl:7
Expression: foo(1) == 3
Evaluated: 2 == 3
[1] macro expansion
@ /Applications/ [inlined]
[2] macro expansion
@ ~/test_foo.jl:7 [inlined]
[3] macro expansion
@ /Applications/ [inlined]
[4] top-level scope
@ ~/test_foo.jl:7
Test Summary: | Fail Total Time
hello world | 1 1 0.4s
ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 0 passed, 1 failed, 0 errored, 0 broken.
in expression starting at /Users/cameron/test_foo.jl:6
The location of the failed test is given at the top where it says
Test Failed at /Users/cameron/test_foo.jl:7
You can also see the location of the failed test by looking at the fourth entry in the stacktrace:
@ ~/test_foo.jl:7
A failing @test will always throw an exception, even when it is inside a @testset. The nice thing about @testset is that it gathers all the thrown exceptions from failed tests that occur inside it, rather than failing on the first failed test. However, any exception inside a @testset other than a failed test will immediately halt the test set, as we can see in the following example:
julia> @testset "hello world" begin
@test false
@test true
@test false
hello world: Error During Test at REPL[21]:1
Got exception outside of a @test
DomainError with -1.0:
sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).
[1] throw_complex_domainerror(f::Symbol, x::Float64)
@ Base.Math ./math.jl:33
[2] sqrt
@ ./math.jl:591 [inlined]
[3] sqrt(x::Int64)
@ Base.Math ./math.jl:1372
# ... Removed for clarity ...
Test Summary: | Error Total Time
hello world | 1 1 0.0s
ERROR: Some tests did not pass: 0 passed, 0 failed, 1 errored, 0 broken.
Thanks so much! I guess I misunderstood the stack trace macro expansion, I thought it was saying I had a legitimate error, but from your explanation I think I am understanding that it is just a thrown exception for a failed test and a trace to where it was. Also it is good to know that normal errors still stop the code inside of a test set. Thanks for the in depth answer!
Thank you!