LWFBrook90 simulation questions 2 (plotting and csv saving)

Hi I am using LWFBrook90 v1.9 to simulate the hydro-dynamics. I have some questions about the plots. These are the scripts I am using:

using LWFBrook90
using OrdinaryDiffEq: solve
using DataFrames
using CSV
using Plots, Measures; gr();
input_path = “”
input_prefix = “real-full”;
model2 = loadSPAC(input_path, input_prefix; simulate_isotopes = true);
simulation2 = setup(model2)
obj = DiscretizedSPAC(simulation2) # Create an instance of your type
field_names = fieldnames(simulation2)
CSV.write(“\File.csv”, simulation2)
pl1 = plotamounts(simulation2, :above_and_belowground, :showRWUcentroid)
pl2 = plotisotopes(simulation2, :d18O, :showRWUcentroid)
pl3 = plotforcingandstates(simulation2)
get_θ(simulation2; depths_to_read_out_mm = nothing, days_to_read_out_d = nothing)

depth_to_read_out_mm = [10 50 100 150] #500

get_θ(simulation2; depths_to_read_out_mm = depth_to_read_out_mm, days_to_read_out_d = nothing)
get_θ(simulation2; depths_to_read_out_mm = depth_to_read_out_mm)
The left figure is from pl1, and the right one is from pl3:

Why I would have two figures showing different legends? (I had another result showing the same legends)

Another question is how I can export the data from the figures to csv? I found that model2 is in a type of DiscretizedSPAC. Maybe I can transfer that to dataframe as the process of get_θ?
