Lux.jl with GPU error

I have a toy problem to fit a NN for sin(x) using the GPU for Lux.jl - LuxCUDA.jl

Here is the code I am running (very similar to the documentation):

using Lux, Optimisers,Zygote, Random
using LuxCUDA

x = rand(50);
y = sin.(x)

rng = MersenneTwister()
model = Chain(Dense(1=>20,tanh),Dense(20=>40),Dense(40=>40),Dense(40=>1,tanh))
opt = Adam()
const loss_function = MSELoss()
const dev_gpu = gpu_device()
const dev_cpu = cpu_device()

ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, model) .|> dev_gpu

tstate = Training.TrainState(model, ps, st, opt)
vjp_rule = AutoZygote()

using ProgressMeter

function main(tstate::Training.TrainState, vjp, data, epochs)
    data = data .|> dev_gpu
    progressmeter  = Progress(epochs; showspeed=true)
    for epoch in 1:epochs
        _, loss, _, tstate = Training.single_train_step!(vjp, loss_function, data, tstate)
        next!(progressmeter; showvalues = [(:Epoch,epoch), (:Loss,loss)])
    return tstate

@info "Training"
tstate = main(tstate, vjp_rule, (x', y'), 10000)

This code works fine for cpu_device() but for gpu_device() I get the following error:

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching cublasLt_fused_dense!(::CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.DeviceMemory}, ::typeof(tanh_fast), ::CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.DeviceMemory}, ::LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Float32, CuArray{…}}, ::CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory})

I am not sure what is my error.

Thank you

Try changing that line to tstate = main(tstate, vjp_rule, (reshape(x, 1, 50), reshape(y, 1, 50)), 10000)

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fix: relax cublaslt types by avik-pal · Pull Request #173 · LuxDL/LuxLib.jl · GitHub will fix this for x' and y'.

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