Lost with new Pkg3

This works well for me:

  1. For each local package, activate path_to_package, then add path_to_dependency1 path_to_dependency2 ...
  2. In your top-level environment (eg. v0.7), dev path_to_package1, dev path_to_package2, etc.

Then work from your top-level environment. Each package will know how to find its dependencies, and you just told Pkg that in the current (top-level) environment, you want to use the development version of all your packages.

What really confused me was that (MyPackage) pkg> add Dependency1#master or dev Dependency1 both look like reasonable ways of telling Julia that MyPackage depends on Dependency1’s latest master/current code. But it’s absolutely not the right way to go about it, even if it misleadingly seems to work in the short term.

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