using ModelingToolkit
using JuMP
@variables x y z
@parameters σ ρ β
# Define a nonlinear system
eqs = [0 ~ σ*(y-x),
0 ~ x*(ρ-z)-y,
0 ~ x*y - β*z]
ns = NonlinearSystem(eqs, [x,y,z], [σ,ρ,β])
nlsys_func = generate_function(ns)[2] # second is the inplace version
It’s probably because ModelingToolkit and JuMP both export @variables. They aren’t the same thing, so you need to prefix which one you want. (Did it show a warning talking about multiple packages exporting the same name?)
using ModelingToolkit
using JuMP
ModelingToolKit.@variables x y z
@parameters σ ρ β
It seems like you don’t need JuMP here, so you should probably just remove it. Then you won’t hit this problem.
It can also be caused by the fact that the using statement and the macro calls are in the same expression (the begin block). Because macros are evaluated before the expression code is run this could explain that it is not yet defined. You can try to move it in multiple blocks:
using ModelingToolkit
ModelingToolkit.@variables x y z
# the rest of the code...