I’m working on a package that allows users to define pipeline tasks in an ergonomic way and then schedules jobs and their dependencies with Dagger.jl
I have a macro that takes a user input like this:
@Job begin
name = MyJob
parameters = (a,b)
dependencies = AnotherJob(a)
process = f(a,b)
The macro then takes this information, makes a new struct called MyJob
and splices the user’s input into to get_dependencies(j::MyJob)
, run_process(j::MyJob)
, and a few others. My test suite works perfectly from the Pkg test environment.
The macro's code looks like this:
Unpack the parameters of the job, then splice the body of the function provided by the user
function unpack_input_function(function_name, job_name, parameter_names, function_body, additional_inputs=())
return quote
function Waluigi.$function_name(job::$job_name, $(additional_inputs...))
let $((:($name = job.$name) for name in parameter_names)...)
macro Job(job_description)
# This returns a Dict of job parameters and their values
job_features = extract_job_features(job_description)
#Truncating some complicated code here that just extracts the parameters
paramter_names = complicated_code(job_features)
job_name = job_features[:name]
dependency_ex = unpack_input_function(:get_dependencies, job_name, parameter_names, job_features[:dependencies])
process_ex = unpack_input_function(:run_process, job_name, parameter_names, job_features[:process])
struct_def = :(struct $job_name <: AbstractJob end)
push!(struct_def.args[3].args, parameter_names...)
return quote
However, I just tried to add the package to another project. When I try to define a Job, I get the following error when trying to precompile:
LoadError: Evaluation into the closed module `Waluigi` breaks incremental compilation because the side
effects will not be permanent. This is likely due to some other module mutating `Waluigi` with `eval`
during precompilation - don't do this.
I think I understand that adding new type definitions and/or function dispatches within the dependency module doesn’t work, but I’m not sure how to approach changing the way the macro defines things to get it to work properly. By that I mean, I want the generic pipeline code I’ve written that calls get_dependencies
to see the new dispatches.
Or it’s possible I’m approaching this in a completely wrong way. Open to that feedback too