LMI optimization problem

Hi there

I am regenerating an optimization algorithm from a paper and I am using exactly the example provided by the ref.

this is the algorithm:

It starts a long operation (continuously trying to obtain results - non-stop)- for example, it is +20 min trying and not stopped yet and my system (mac M2) is completely hot, I have never seen it in this way!
during several loops bring this answer:
(I am sure it must obtained and there is a solution for this example I think there is a problem with my code but I cannot find it…

Lin. dep.  - primal attempts        : 0                 successes              : 0               
Lin. dep.  - dual attempts          : 0                 successes              : 0               
Lin. dep.  - primal deps.           : 0                 dual deps.             : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.00    
Optimizer terminated. Time: 0.00    

υ ≲ 0. A controller may not be designed using this algorithm.
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : minimize        
  Type                   : CONIC (conic optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 45              
  Affine conic cons.     : 0               
  Disjunctive cons.      : 0               
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 2               
  Matrix variables       : 1 (scalarized: 6)
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Eliminator - tries                  : 0                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 0                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - primal attempts        : 0                 successes              : 0               
Lin. dep.  - dual attempts          : 0                 successes              : 0               
Lin. dep.  - primal deps.           : 0                 dual deps.             : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.00    
Optimizer terminated. Time: 0.00    

υ ≲ 0. A controller may not be designed using this algorithm.
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : minimize        
  Type                   : CONIC (conic optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 45              
  Affine conic cons.     : 0               
  Disjunctive cons.      : 0               
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 2               
  Matrix variables       : 1 (scalarized: 6)
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Presolve started.

my code: (in my code, I used epsilon for myself, and used upsilon instead of ref. epsilon, so upsilone in the code, is equal to epsilon in the screenshot

using JuMP
using Mosek
using Convex
using MosekTools
using LinearAlgebra
using ControlSystems
using LinearOperators
using MatrixEquations

A = [-0.15 1.90 1.55;
     0.50 -0.30 0.10;
     0.20 0.50 -2.55]

B = [0.55 -0.64 0.16;
     1.69 0.38 0;
     0.59 -1.50 1.31]

C = [1 1 0;
     0 0 1]

Q = [1.841535183506899 0.6798746132078772 1.1829150444507845;
     0.6798746132078772 0.5221192150230858 0.24559457200861234;
     1.1829150444507845 0.24559457200861234 0.9063941504567442]

# Assisst matrices
R = B*B'

j = 1
β_j = 1
δ = 0.1

# (9): A'X + XA − XBB' X + Q = 0 ----> A'X + XA − XRX + Q = 0
X, CLSEIG = arec(A,R,2I)

# (5): [(A−BB'X)'P+P(A−BB'X),X'B; B'X,-σ1*I]<0 and (6): A'P + PA−σ2 C'C < 0
while true
n = size(A, 1)
r = size(B, 2)
ϵ = 1e-10 
Xn =  β_j * X
model = Model(Mosek.Optimizer)
@variable(model, σ1 ≥ 0)
@variable(model, σ2 ≥ 0)
@variable(model, P[1:n, 1:n], PSD)

@constraint(model, [(A-R*X)'*P+P*(A-R*X) X'*B;B'*X -σ1*Matrix(I,r,r)] .<= -ϵ)
@constraint(model, A'*P+P*A-σ2*C'*C .<= -ϵ)

# Check feasibility
is_solved_and_feasible(model; allow_local = false)

# Define feasible variable
feasible = is_solved_and_feasible(model)

if feasible
    # Get the optimized values of P, σ1, and σ2
    P_star = value.(P)
    σ1_star = value(σ1)
    σ2_star = value(σ2)

    return feasible, P_star, σ1_star, σ2_star
    m = Model(Mosek.Optimizer)
    @variable(m, K[1:n, 1:n])  # Controller gain matrix K
    # Matrix inequality (10)
    # Constrain decision variables (replace with actual data if available)
    for i in 1:n
        for j in 1:n
           if i != j
              @constraint(m, [A[i, j]+B[i, :]*K*C[:, j]] >= 0)
    # Matrix inequality (11)
    @constraint(m, ((A+B*K*C)'*P_star+P_star*(A+B*K*C)) <= -ϵ)
    # Solve the optimization problem

    # Check feasibility
    is_solved_and_feasible(m; allow_local = false)

    # Define feasible variable
    correct = is_solved_and_feasible(m)

    if correct
       println("Solution found!")
       println("Designed static controller K:")
υ = β_j - δ 
     if υ <= -ϵ
       println("υ ≲ 0. A controller may not be designed using this algorithm.")
       # Update beta_j
      global  j += 1
          for j in 1:10000    
               global β_j = β_j - δ

I can’t run your code because it doesn’t seem to be all there.

It has, for example, return feasible, P_star, σ1_star, σ2_star.

Also, after println("υ ≲ 0. A controller may not be designed using this algorithm."), it appears that you don’t break, so you end up in an infinite loop.

1 Like

Dear Odow

The code is complete, this part:

# Check feasibility
is_solved_and_feasible(model; allow_local = false)

# Define feasible variable
feasible = is_solved_and_feasible(model)

if feasible
    # Get the optimized values of P, σ1, and σ2
    P_star = value.(P)
    σ1_star = value(σ1)
    σ2_star = value(σ2)

is related to:

model = Model(Mosek.Optimizer)
@variable(model, σ1 ≥ 0)
@variable(model, σ2 ≥ 0)
@variable(model, P[1:n, 1:n], PSD)

@constraint(model, [(A-R*X)'*P+P*(A-R*X) X'*B;B'*X -σ1*Matrix(I,r,r)] .<= -ϵ)
@constraint(model, A'*P+P*A-σ2*C'*C .<= -ϵ)

code is complete on my side, it goes to an inf loop as you said.
Should I add “break” after the mentioned part?
in that case, it cannot find “proper K”?

what is the problem when I am sure there is a solution?
I am sure the is wrong with my code.

You have a number of issues.

@constraint(model, A'*P+P*A-σ2*C'*C .<= -ϵ)

What do you intend this constraint to be? (There are others like it.) Currently, it constrains each element of the matrix A'*P+P*A-σ2*C'*C to be <= -ϵ.

Do you mean instead:

@constraint(model, A'*P+P*A-σ2*C'*C <= 0, PSDCone())

See Constraints · JuMP

A[i, j]+B[i, :]*K*C[:, j]

This doesn’t make sense. K is 3 * 3, but C is 2 * 3. You cannot multiply K * C[:, j].

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Hi Odow and Tnx for your reply.

I replaced this part:

@constraint(model, A'*P+P*A-σ2*C'*C <= 0, PSDCone())

and I added “break” and now, it is not inf-loop.
but bring this result:

"υ ≲ 0. A controller may not be designed using this algorithm."

while I am sure, it must be able to find the proper K,
Because I am using the tested example, I am sure the problem is with my code.

about the size of K, we have A + B*K*C where A = 3 by 3, B = 3 by 3, C = 2 by 3

and we are trying to obtain proper K using the algorithm, K must be 3 by 2.

first we must do BK and results * C----> (BK)*C in that case, the sizes are true,

in MATLAB we always do this in this way, K will be found considering sizes B and C.

but here, if this is the problem, I do not how to solve it, and if this is the problem, why there is no mismatch dimension err?

  • update:

I think maybe the problem is in step V algorithm, this section of the code:

    # Check feasibility
    is_solved_and_feasible(m; allow_local = false)

    # Define feasible variable
    correct = is_solved_and_feasible(m)

    if correct
       println("Solution found!")
       println("Designed static controller K:")
υ = β_j - δ 
     if υ <= -ϵ
       println("υ ≲ 0. A controller may not be designed using this algorithm.")
       # Update beta_j
      global  j += 1
          for j in 1:10000    
               global β_j = β_j - δ

if the system is controllable, and proper K could not be found in the first iteration (j=1),
it must go back to step III, I think I have a problem in this part (I am not sure).

we are trying to obtain proper K using the algorithm, K must be 3 by 2

Sure. Except that you have defined it as 3x3: @variable(m, K[1:n, 1:n])

global  j += 1
for j in 1:10000    
     global β_j = β_j - δ

What do you think this does? Why the loop 10,000 times? I think you just want instead: global β_j = β_j - δ.

I don’t really know if this is exactly what you want, but it should point you in the right direction:

julia> using JuMP

julia> using SCS

julia> using LinearAlgebra

julia> using MatrixEquations

julia> function main(A, B, C, Q)
            R = B * B'
            β_j = 1
            δ = 0.1
            n = size(A, 1)
            r = size(B, 2)
            X, _ = MatrixEquations.arec(A, R, 2 * LinearAlgebra.I)
            while β_j > 0
                 Xn =  β_j * X
                 model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
                 @variable(model, σ1 >= 0)
                 @variable(model, σ2 >= 0)
                 @variable(model, P[1:n, 1:n], PSD)
                           ((A - R * X)' * P + P * (A - R * X)) (X' * B)
                           (B' * X) -σ1*LinearAlgebra.I(r)
                      ] <= 0, PSDCone())
                 @constraint(model, A' * P + P * A - σ2 * C' * C <= 0, PSDCone())
                 if !is_solved_and_feasible(model)
                      β_j = β_j - δ
                 P_star = value.(P)
                 m = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
                 @variable(m, K[1:n, 1:size(C, 1)])
                 for i in 1:n, j in 1:n
                      if i != j
                           @constraint(m, A[i, j] + B[i, :]' * K * C[:, j] >= 0)
                 @constraint(m, (A+B*K*C)'*P_star + P_star*(A+B*K*C) <= 0, PSDCone())
                 if is_solved_and_feasible(m)
                      println("Designed static controller K:")
                      return value.(K)
            println("υ ≲ 0. A controller may not be designed using this algorithm.")
            return nothing

main (generic function with 1 method)

julia> A = [
            -0.15 1.90 1.55
            0.50 -0.30 0.10
            0.20 0.50 -2.55
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 -0.15   1.9   1.55
  0.5   -0.3   0.1
  0.2    0.5  -2.55

julia> B = [
            0.55 -0.64 0.16
            1.69 0.38 0
            0.59 -1.50 1.31
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.55  -0.64  0.16
 1.69   0.38  0.0
 0.59  -1.5   1.31

julia> C = [
            1 1 0
            0 0 1
2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  1  0
 0  0  1

julia> Q = [
            1.841535183506899 0.6798746132078772 1.1829150444507845
            0.6798746132078772 0.5221192150230858 0.24559457200861234
            1.1829150444507845 0.24559457200861234 0.9063941504567442
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 1.84154   0.679875  1.18292
 0.679875  0.522119  0.245595
 1.18292   0.245595  0.906394

julia> main(A, B, C, Q)
Designed static controller K:
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 -0.710233  -0.705731
  2.99965    3.02519
  3.66925    5.19916
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Hi again,

I tried to learn what you used in the provided code, step by step-reading manuals related to the structures you used to introduce the variables and constraints,

I tried to check again and again and again the code and main algorithm, also the code gave us K successfully but it is not the correct controller,

Because closed-loop eigenvalues for A+BKC are:



after several revised, I changed 2 points:

  1. step V according to the first post, I added it,
  2. I replaced υ character with η because I found that this character has a conflict with sth.

so the code:

using JuMP
using SCS
using LinearAlgebra
using MatrixEquations

function main(A, B, C, Q)
        R = B * B'
        β_j = 1
        δ = 0.1
        n = size(A, 1)
        r = size(B, 2)
        X, _ = MatrixEquations.arec(A, R, Q)
        while β_j > 0
             Xn =  β_j * X
             model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
             @variable(model, σ1 >= 0)
             @variable(model, σ2 >= 0)
             @variable(model, P[1:n, 1:n], PSD)
                       ((A - R * Xn)' * P + P * (A - R * Xn)) (Xn' * B)
                       (B' * Xn) -σ1*LinearAlgebra.I(r)
                  ] <= 0, PSDCone())
             @constraint(model, A' * P + P * A - σ2 * C' * C <= 0, PSDCone())
             if !is_solved_and_feasible(model)
                  β_j = β_j - δ
             P_star = value.(P)
             m = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
             @variable(m, K[1:n, 1:size(C, 1)])
             for i in 1:n, j in 1:n
                  if i != j
                       @constraint(m, A[i, j] + B[i, :]' * K * C[:, j] >= 0)
             @constraint(m, (A+B*K*C)'*P_star + P_star*(A+B*K*C) <= 0, PSDCone())
             if is_solved_and_feasible(m)
                  println("Designed static controller K:")
                  return value.(K)
                η = β_j - δ 
                if η <= -ϵ
                  println("η ≲ 0. A controller may not be designed using this algorithm.")
                  return nothing
                  # Update beta_j
                  j = 0
                  while β_j > 0
                      j += 1
                      β_j = β_j - δ

but I received still the same K as the controller and it does not stabilize the sys A-B-C

in the algorithm, we have constraints <0 but to path the err, we used <=0, could it be the problem?

Would you mind sharing a reference to the paper from which the algorithm is coming? :slight_smile:

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yes sure,

Static Output-Feedback Stabilization for MIMO LTI Positive Systems using LMI-based Iterative Algorithms

any help can save me …

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I don’t think your beta update matches your screenshot. It should be updated only once each iteration. Your code currently updates it until it is negative.