Continuing the discussion from DrWatson Common Code as Module Issue:
This prompted me to ask ChatGPT for some UUIDs and it happily “generated” 6 for me. All of them where valid UUIDs and none of them turned anything up in a Google search. So apparently ChatGPT is able to generate UUIDs in principle. Ofc the next question is: Are these random enough? So is it a good idea to use ChatGPT in practice to generate UUIDs? (yes I know it is a horribly inefficient way of generating them…)
Does anybody know about research in that direction? I.e. how random are the responses of LLMs when asked for some random output?
Funnily enough I also asked it to give me 5 UUIDs that are already in use and the first 2 of the 5 I got are actually widely used:
is apparently a default example of an UUID, used in a few documentations and interestingly enough also the name of some file in the Apache Accumolo project123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
is used as an example in the Wikipedia article on UUIDs- I could not find anything for the other 3 UUIDs (but they where valid UUIDs)