Listing all functions in /src that are directly called by a given function, and vice versa

I manually generated the See also section in the docstring below:

    update_lgTble!(lg_table, comms, idx1, idx2)

Updates the lg_table vector based on game results stored in Comms.

# Arguments
- `lg_table :: MVector{nteams::Int, TeamStats}` : The league table (Place, Team Names, Wins, etc) for this league
- `comms    :: Tuple{Comms, Comms}`             : Pair of Comms structs containing results of the last game
- `idx1     :: Int`                             : Index of league table for the home team
- `idx2     :: Int`                             : Index of league table for the away team

# See also 
- Uses    : [`Comms`](@ref)
- Used by : [`playgames!`](@ref)
- Similar : [`init_lgtble`](@ref), [`lgrank!`](@ref)
function update_lgTble!(lg_table, comms, idx1, idx2)
    gls   = SVector{2}(sum(comms[1].Gls), sum(comms[2].Gls))
    gdiff = gls[1] - gls[2]
    idx   = SVector(idx1, idx2)

    if gdiff == 0
        lg_table[idx1] = @set $(lg_table[idx1]).D += Int16(1)
        lg_table[idx2] = @set $(lg_table[idx2]).D += Int16(1)
    elseif gdiff > 0
        lg_table[idx1] = @set $(lg_table[idx1]).W += Int16(1)
        lg_table[idx2] = @set $(lg_table[idx2]).L += Int16(1)
        lg_table[idx1] = @set $(lg_table[idx1]).L += Int16(1)
        lg_table[idx2] = @set $(lg_table[idx2]).W += Int16(1)

    lg_table[idx1] = @set $(lg_table[idx1]).GA += gls[2]
    lg_table[idx2] = @set $(lg_table[idx2]).GA += gls[1]
    for i in 1:2
        lg_table[idx[i]] = @set $(lg_table[idx[i]]).P   += Int16(1)
        lg_table[idx[i]] = @set $(lg_table[idx[i]]).GF  += gls[i]
        lg_table[idx[i]] = @set $(lg_table[idx[i]]).GD   = lg_table[idx[i]].GF  - lg_table[idx[i]].GA
        lg_table[idx[i]] = @set $(lg_table[idx[i]]).Pts  = 3*lg_table[idx[i]].W + lg_table[idx[i]].D

Is there a way to autofill a template like that? I only want to include functions/structs directly called and found in the same /src directory. Eg, I wouldn’t expect Comms or the Similar functions to show up automatically. Then find any other functions that directly call this function.

Bonus, is there a way to autofill the names + types of the Arguments section as well?

Here is another example:

    TeamStats(Pl, Team, P, W, D, L, GF, GA, GD, Pts)

Immutable struct containing the league table values for a single team.

# Fields
- `Pl   :: Int16   ` : Place
- `Team :: String15` : Team Name
- `P    :: Int16   ` : Games Played
- `W    :: Int16   ` : Wins
- `D    :: Int16   ` : Draws
- `L    :: Int16   ` : Losses
- `GF   :: Int16   ` : Goals For
- `GA   :: Int16   ` : Goals Against
- `GD   :: Int16   ` : Goal Difference
- `Pts  :: Int16   ` : Points (3*W + D)

# See also 
- Used by : [`init_lgtble`](@ref)
@with_kw struct TeamStats
    Pl   :: Int16    = 0
    Team :: String15 = ""
    P    :: Int16    = 0
    W    :: Int16    = 0
    D    :: Int16    = 0
    L    :: Int16    = 0
    GF   :: Int16    = 0
    GA   :: Int16    = 0
    GD   :: Int16    = 0
    Pts  :: Int16    = 0


Initializes a league table based on the team names

# Arguments
- `teams :: Vector{String}` : Vector of team names

# See also 
- Uses    : [`TeamStats`](@ref)
- Similar : [`update_lgtble!`](@ref), [`lgrank!`](@ref)
function init_lgtble(teams)
    nteams   = length(teams)
    lg_table = MVector{nteams}((TeamStats() for i in eachindex(teams)))
    for i in eachindex(lg_table) 
      lg_table[i] = @set $(lg_table[i]).Team = teams[i] 
    return lg_table

Edit 2
Fixed some copy/paste, etc typos in the docs. But that just kind of proves the point it would be nice to automate this.

Your best bet is probably some coding LLM tool. Your task is too unspecified for other direct tools I think and I am also not aware of anything close to what you ask.

I must have described it poorly then, I don’t see why it would be much harder than eg, syntax highlighting by an editor.

Sorry I somehow missed the specification in between the examples. Then I agree that it is possible in theory, though in practice it will likely require implementing it in the VSCode extension for Julia using the tools of the language server. I don’t think that is done easily. So for a short term solution some coding LLM-based solution is probably close enough to the correct result to be useful and would much quicker to realize.

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Looks like this is close:

I was able to modify the template here to suit my needs, then use the LSP-Julia package in Sublime Text to quickly list the referencing functions:

It would be nice to auto-fill with a callgraph, but it isn’t too bad.

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