List of working packages on v. 1.0

I am from there-is-no-problem-with-1.0 group. Come on people, julia already passed through a number of breaking updates successfully, what makes you think that this last time will be a disaster? Just give it a time and packages will update.

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The concrete issue has been outline by @FHell pretty well. Fix the homepage with a banner that the package ecosystem is currently in transition and that this may take some time.


I agree with the banner idea. I filed an issue on the webpage Add disclaimer banner Β· Issue #169 Β· JuliaLang/ Β· GitHub if people want to comment.


Good thread.

Context: I am a new user, software dev, Windows (7), Julia 1.0.0 (downloaded a few days ago, late Aug).

I don’t know if the problems are Windows related, 1.0…0 failures in packages, buggy packages (in general), bad setup (on my part or the install.)

Something like half (or more?) of my package build dependencies are failing.

I got past not being able to install ANYTHING by doing an explicit β€œgit clone”
of General outside of Julia in the .julia/reference directory. Before that nothing (I tried) would add successfully.

Not asking for an immediate β€œsolution” but more metasuggestions about how to proceed.

Merely an example on "add QueryVerse (for no other reason than I saw a tutorial for it on the Git site):

  Building Electron ───────→ `C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\Electron\OaUmW\deps\build.log`
  Building NodeJS ─────────→ `C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\NodeJS\DsGew\deps\build.log`
  Building Thrift ─────────→ `C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\Thrift\BxShm\deps\build.log`
β”Œ Error: Error building `Thrift`:
β”‚ ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: info not defined
β”‚ Stacktrace:
β”‚  [1] top-level scope at C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\Thrift\BxShm\deps\build.jl:30
β”‚  [2] include at .\boot.jl:317 [inlined]
β”‚  [3] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1038
β”‚  [4] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:29
β”‚  [5] include(::String) at .\client.jl:388
β”‚  [6] top-level scope at none:0
β”‚ in expression starting at C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\Thrift\BxShm\deps\build.jl:29
β”” @ Pkg.Operations C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.0\Pkg\src\Operations.j
  Building StringEncodings β†’ `C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\StringEncodings\Ioqfi\deps\build.log` Error: Error building `StringEncodings`:

But some subsequent dependencies do build after the above.

.. .#= MORE ERRORS =#

Building Snappy ─────────→ `C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\Snappy\Zr8JW\deps\build.log`
Building CodecZlib ──────→ `C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\CodecZlib\wwgbh\deps\build.log`
Building VegaLite ───────→ `C:\Users\A469526\.julia\packages\VegaLite\1I7Wn\deps\build.log`

The Ecosystem Pulse is not used anymore so I don’t know what valuable information you try to get from reading the homepage.

Anyway, we are working on some heuristics to upper bound packages that are almost surely not working on 1.0 (so that they are no longer installable until they are updated). It is not easy to get a good heuristic but the WIP is at

Applying the heuristics in that PR (modulo bugs in the implementation) would result in the following packages not being installable until they are updated:

capped Β· GitHub.

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Would updating then require declaring explicit compatibility with Julia 1, e.g. by putting julia 0.6- 2 into REQUIRE (assuming the package is compatible with 0.6, 0.7, and 1.0) or would the heuristic be rerun upon a new package release?

The heuristic is rerun every time the METADATA β†’ General is run.

I had already realised that, but it’s not really my thing to prefix a post with an Oscar Speech thanking everyone who has been involved with Julia for their wonderful work. :slight_smile:
As a newcomer. I think there is just about zero I can add at #upgradathon

Well, you can always do testing. And report it, and by trying to report reproducible errors by doing examples you will learn where actually the problem is based on. And sooner or later you will do a PR. Maybe first on documentation and something simple like wording/terminology (or typos), but later

You’d be surprised. If you just run a package you want updated on v0.7, there will be a ton of depwarns which tell you want to do. Make those changes and submit a PR. But check to make sure such changes aren’t already on master.


Off-topic, a thought about a mess big amount of packages:
Maybe, some package dependency graph visualization will help to determine, what functionality is already implemented in Julia packages, and to find some related and β€œparent” packages?

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I upgraded my workshop notes to Julia v1.0 and they are pretty broad in the packages they use, touching most of the main package ecosystems. The remaining issues are here:

All of the issues are JuliaStats packages or parts of Plots.jl (Plots.jl with PyPlot and GR are fine, with Plotly or StatPlots it’s not). If you add to this the fact that Gadfly.jl hasn’t been updated either, of the main packages it’s just statistics and visualization which are behind. Pretty much everything else (LightGraphs, DiffEq, ApproxFun and matrix types, IterativeSolvers, ForwardDiff, NLsolve, etc. the list is long) all work. So… just avoid stats for right now.