Linearization with ModelingToolkit gives different results

Using the methods linearize_symbolic and linearize gives different results, even though the results should be the same. Could be a bug in my code, or in ModelingToolkit. I share the code here, even though it is still pretty long for an MWE:

using ModelingToolkit, ControlSystemsBase

@variables t
@syms ω(t) Pg(t) Pge(t) Pgc(t) Uest(t)
@variables R a b Γ ρ U J A Ku Γest λnom s

struct Equilibrium
    u_est_bar # estimated wind speed
    pg_bar    # generator power
    ω_bar     # rotor speed

mutable struct Settings

se::Settings = Settings(1.225, 7.0, 12469.0, 63.0, 4.047e7, 8.0, 2.25e-7)
eq = Equilibrium(0.99, 6.97822, -0.012273163568697454, 0.5344744027433362, 1132254, 0.88612)

function model_open_loop(se, eq, Γest0)
    @variables t ω(t)=eq.ω_bar λ(t) λest(t) Pr(t)=eq.pg_bar Pr_est(t)=eq.pg_bar Pg(t) 
    @variables Uest(t)=se.U0 r_ω(t) e_ω(t) e_p(t) Pgc(t)=eq.pg_bar Pge(t)=0
    @parameters J=se.J0 U=se.U0 ρ=se.ρ0 A=se.A0 Ku=se.Ku0 λnom=se.λ_nom R=se.R0 Γ=eq.Γ Γest=Γest0
    D = Differential(t)
    eqs = [D(ω)    ~ (Pr - Pg) / (J * ω),
           D(Uest) ~ Ku * e_p,
           r_ω     ~ Uest * λnom / R,
           e_ω     ~ r_ω - ω,
           e_p     ~ Pg - Pr_est + J * D(ω) * ω,
           λest    ~ ω * R / Uest,
           Pr_est  ~ 0.5 *  ρ * A * Uest^3 * Γest * (eq.a_bar * λest + eq.b_bar),
           λ       ~ ω * R/U,
           Pr      ~ 0.5 * ρ * A * U^3 * Γ * (eq.a_bar * λ + eq.b_bar),
           Pg      ~ Pgc + Pge]
    @named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_ω, e_p

function model_open_loop_symbolic()
    @variables t ω(t) Pr(t) Pg(t) Pge(t) Pgc(t) Pr_est(t)
    @variables e_p(t) e_ω(t) r_ω(t) λ(t) λest(t) Uest(t)
    @parameters J U Ku ρ A Γ Γest a b R λnom
    D = Differential(t)
    eqs = [D(ω)    ~ (Pr - Pg) / (J * ω),
           D(Uest) ~ Ku * e_p,
           r_ω     ~ Uest * λnom / R,
           e_ω     ~ r_ω - ω,
           e_p     ~ Pg - Pr_est + J * D(ω) * ω,
           λest    ~ ω * R / Uest,
           Pr_est  ~ 0.5 *  ρ * A * Uest^3 * Γest * (a*λest + b),
           λ       ~ ω * R/U,
           Pr      ~ 0.5 * ρ * A * U^3 * Γ * (a*λ + b),
           Pg      ~ Pgc + Pge]
    @named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_p, e_ω

function calc_lin_numeric()
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_ω, e_p = model_open_loop(se, eq, 1.0)
    matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize(sys, [Pgc, Pge], [e_ω, e_p])
    A_, B, C, D = matrices

function numeric(eq::Equilibrium, expr)
    expr = simplify(expr)
    expr = substitute(expr, Dict([Ku => se.Ku0, R => se.R0, ρ => se.ρ0,  A => se.A0, J => se.J0, U => se.U0, 
                    λnom => se.λ_nom]))
    expr = substitute(expr, Dict([Γest => 1, Γ => eq.Γ, Pge(t) => 0, Pgc(t) => eq.pg_bar, Uest(t) => eq.u_est_bar, 
                    ω(t) => eq.ω_bar, a => eq.a_bar, b => eq.b_bar]))

function calc_lin_symbolic(num=true)
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_p, e_ω = model_open_loop_symbolic()
    matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize_symbolic(sys, [Pge, Pgc], [e_ω, e_p])
    A_, B, C, D = matrices
    A_[2] = eval(Meta.parse(replace(repr(A_[2]), "Pge(t)" => "0")))
    if num
        return numeric(eq, A_[2])

println("Symbolic linearization: ", calc_lin_symbolic())
println("Numeric linearization:  ", calc_lin_numeric())


julia> include("mwes\\mwe14.jl")
Symbolic linearization: 0.0002465406240476484
Numeric linearization:  0.0006510485677325923

Expected output: Both numbers should be the same.

I am hunting this bug now for 10 days without success, perhaps someone here spots it…

There’s a lot going on here, from a quick look, the two functions model_open_loop, model_open_loop_symbolic are not identical. To find the source of the problem, it would probably be a good idea to reduce the example as much as possible, there’s too much code right now to dig through.

I will try to in the coming days…

Are you aware of the op keyword to linearize to set the operating point in which to linearize? You shouldn’t have to build the operating point into the system equations like it seems you are doing with the eq struct?

sys, Pge, Pgc, e_ω, e_p = model_open_loop(se, eq, 1.0)
matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize(sys, [Pgc, Pge], [e_ω, e_p])
sys_numeric = ss(matrices...)

matricess, _ = ModelingToolkit.linearize_symbolic(sys, [Pgc, Pge], [e_ω, e_p])
sys_symbolic = ss(ssdata(matricess)...)

defs = ModelingToolkit.defaults(simplified_sys)
u0, pars = ModelingToolkit.get_u0_p(simplified_sys, defs, defs)

using ContorlSystemsMTK
fun = Symbolics.build_function(sys_symbolic, states(simplified_sys), ModelingToolkit.parameters(simplified_sys); expression=Val{false}, force_SA=true)
sys_symbolic_numeric = fun(u0, pars)
julia> sys_numeric
ControlSystemsBase.StateSpace{Continuous, Float64}
A = 
 -0.007988194954103444   -0.0
  0.0006510485677325923  -0.11852648581281108
B = 
 -2.788523165896014e-8  -2.788523165896014e-8
  0.0                    0.0
C = 
   -1.0                    0.12698412698412698
 2893.5491899226326  -526784.3813902715
D = 
 0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0

Continuous-time state-space model

julia> sys_symbolic_numeric
StaticStateSpace{Continuous, 2, 2, 2, SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4}, SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4}, SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4}, SMatrix{2, 2, Int64, 4}}
A = 
 -0.007988194954103444    0.0
  0.0006510485677325923  -0.11852648581281106
B = 
 -2.788523165896014e-8  -2.788523165896014e-8
  0.0                    0.0
C = 
   -1.0                    0.12698412698412698
 2893.5491899226326  -526784.3813902714
D = 
 0  0
 0  0

Continuous-time state-space model
1 Like

Well, I had the hope you would have found an issue in my code, but you didn’t.

Your code:

sys, Pge, Pgc, e_ω, e_p = model_open_loop(se, eq, 1.0)
matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize(sys, [Pgc, Pge], [e_ω, e_p])
sys_numeric = ss(matrices...)

matricess, _ = ModelingToolkit.linearize_symbolic(sys, [Pgc, Pge], [e_ω, e_p])
sys_symbolic = ss(ssdata(matricess)...)

defs = ModelingToolkit.defaults(simplified_sys)
u0, pars = ModelingToolkit.get_u0_p(simplified_sys, defs, defs)

using ControlSystemsMTK
fun = Symbolics.build_function(sys_symbolic, states(simplified_sys), ModelingToolkit.parameters(simplified_sys); expression=Val{false}, force_SA=true)
sys_symbolic_numeric = fun(u0, pars)

For the calculation of sys_symbolic_numeric you are using the simplified_sys that was obtained using numeric linearization… But what I was doing is to replace the symbolic values in the symbolic solution by the numeric parameters and the numeric steady state values…

So I still have no idea what is wrong in my code…

It doesn’t matter that I get the state variables from when I used the numerical linearization, the simplified_sys is still completely symbolic, and I use the equations from the symbolic linearization to build the function in the end.

I showed you an alternative way of doing the same thing, also proving that the symbolic and the numerical linearizations are equivalent.

I wish you good luck finding out what is wrong with your code, I have no idea what’s wrong with it

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OK, I tried to simplify my MWE by using only one model. But this fails. Code:

using ModelingToolkit, ControlSystemsBase

@variables t
@syms ω(t) Pg(t) Pge(t) Pgc(t) Uest(t)
@variables R a b Γ ρ U J A Ku Γest λnom s

struct Equilibrium
    u_est_bar # estimated wind speed
    pg_bar    # generator power
    ω_bar     # rotor speed

mutable struct Settings

se::Settings = Settings(1.225, 7.0, 12469.0, 63.0, 4.047e7, 8.0, 2.25e-7)
eq = Equilibrium(0.99, 6.97822, -0.012273163568697454, 0.5344744027433362, 1132254, 0.88612)
op_ = Dict([Ku => se.Ku0, R => se.R0, ρ => se.ρ0,  A => se.A0, J => se.J0, U => se.U0, 
            λnom => se.λ_nom, Γest => 1, Γ => eq.Γ, Pge(t) => 0, Pgc(t) => eq.pg_bar, Uest(t) => eq.u_est_bar, 
            ω(t) => eq.ω_bar, a => eq.a_bar, b => eq.b_bar])

function model_open_loop_symbolic()
    @variables t ω(t) Pr(t) Pg(t) Pge(t) Pgc(t) Pr_est(t)
    @variables e_p(t) e_ω(t) r_ω(t) λ(t) λest(t) Uest(t)
    @parameters J U Ku ρ A Γ Γest a b R λnom
    D = Differential(t)
    eqs = [D(ω)    ~ (Pr - Pg) / (J * ω),
           D(Uest) ~ Ku * e_p,
           r_ω     ~ Uest * λnom / R,
           e_ω     ~ r_ω - ω,
           e_p     ~ Pg - Pr_est + J * D(ω) * ω,
           λest    ~ ω * R / Uest,
           Pr_est  ~ 0.5 *  ρ * A * Uest^3 * Γest * (a*λest + b),
           λ       ~ ω * R/U,
           Pr      ~ 0.5 * ρ * A * U^3 * Γ * (a*λ + b),
           Pg      ~ Pgc + Pge]
    @named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_p, e_ω

function calc_lin_numeric()
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_ω, e_p = model_open_loop_symbolic()
    matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize(sys, [Pgc, Pge], [e_ω, e_p], op=op_)
    A_, B, C, D = matrices

function calc_lin_symbolic(num=true)
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_p, e_ω = model_open_loop_symbolic()
    matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize_symbolic(sys, [Pge, Pgc], [e_ω, e_p])
    A_, B, C, D = matrices
    A_[2] = eval(Meta.parse(replace(repr(A_[2]), "Pge(t)" => "0")))
    if num; return substitute(A_[2], op_); else return A_[2] end

println("Symbolic linearization: ", calc_lin_symbolic())
println("Numeric linearization:  ", calc_lin_numeric())

Error message:

julia> include("mwes/mwe14.jl")
Symbolic linearization: 0.00024654062404763535
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic[ω(t), Uest(t)] are missing from the variable map.
  [1] throw_missingvars(vars::Vector{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic})
    @ ModelingToolkit ~/.julia/packages/ModelingToolkit/rrbUl/src/variables.jl:121
  [2] _varmap_to_vars(varmap::Dict{Any, Any}, varlist::Vector{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}}; defaults::Dict{Any, Any}, check::Bool, toterm::typeof(ModelingToolkit.default_toterm))
    @ ModelingToolkit ~/.julia/packages/ModelingToolkit/rrbUl/src/variables.jl:115
  [3] varmap_to_vars(varmap::Dict{Any, Any}, varlist::Vector{Any}; defaults::Dict{Any, Any}, check::Bool, toterm::Function, promotetoconcrete::Nothing, tofloat::Bool, use_union::Bool)
    @ ModelingToolkit ~/.julia/packages/ModelingToolkit/rrbUl/src/variables.jl:84
  [4] get_u0_p(sys::ODESystem, u0map::Dict{Any, Any}, parammap::SciMLBase.NullParameters; use_union::Bool, tofloat::Bool)
    @ ModelingToolkit ~/.julia/packages/ModelingToolkit/rrbUl/src/systems/diffeqs/abstractodesystem.jl:591
  [5] linearize(sys::ODESystem, lin_fun::ModelingToolkit.var"#132#135"{Vector{Num}, UnitRange{Int64}, UnitRange{Int64}, UnitRange{Int64}, Vector{Any}, ODEFunction{true, SciMLBase.FullSpecialize, ModelingToolkit.var"#f#533"{RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(:ˍ₋arg1, :ˍ₋arg2, :t), ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0x6c1101f6, 0x373c10a3, 0x40367bac, 0x761f4595, 0x0a686aa7), Nothing}, RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(:ˍ₋out, :ˍ₋arg1, :ˍ₋arg2, :t), ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0xc9ec9000, 0x1549f32a, 0x2492f671, 0x805d41e3, 0x939f98c0), Nothing}}, LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Vector{Symbol}, Symbol, Vector{Symbol}, ModelingToolkit.var"#583#generated_observed#541"{Bool, ODESystem, Dict{Any, Any}}, Nothing, ODESystem}, RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.RuntimeGeneratedFunction{(Symbol("##arg#14586650869325627829"), Symbol("##arg#1597596539981100354"), :t), ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", ModelingToolkit.var"#_RGF_ModTag", (0xe078a58e, 0x8dc33125, 0x2d3218e9, 0x029a32cb, 0x52a0ec5a), Nothing}, ForwardDiff.Chunk{2}}; t::Float64, op::Dict{Num, Float64}, allow_input_derivatives::Bool, p::SciMLBase.NullParameters)
    @ ModelingToolkit ~/.julia/packages/ModelingToolkit/rrbUl/src/systems/abstractsystem.jl:1518
  [6] linearize(sys::ODESystem, inputs::Vector{Num}, outputs::Vector{Num}; op::Dict{Num, Float64}, t::Float64, allow_input_derivatives::Bool, zero_dummy_der::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
    @ ModelingToolkit ~/.julia/packages/ModelingToolkit/rrbUl/src/systems/abstractsystem.jl:1570
  [7] calc_lin_numeric()
    @ Main ~/repos/WindTurbines/mwes/mwe14.jl:53
  [8] top-level scope
    @ ~/repos/WindTurbines/mwes/mwe14.jl:67
  [9] include(fname::String)
    @ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:478
 [10] top-level scope
    @ REPL[1]:1
in expression starting at /home/ufechner/repos/WindTurbines/mwes/mwe14.jl:67

Any idea?

I found and fixed the issues. There where two issues: Firstly, I could not use the same model for symbolic and numeric linearization because of the error shown in the last message. This was fixed by using @var instead of @syms and to not use the notation with function(t) outside of the model. You need it inside of the model.

The second issue was a different operation point for the numeric and symbolic model. I initialized Uest(t) for t=0 wrongly with se.U0 instead of eq.u_est_bar.

For the sake of completeness the working code:

using ModelingToolkit, ControlSystemsBase

@variables t
@variables ω(t) Pg(t) Pge(t) Pgc(t) Uest(t)
@variables R a b Γ ρ U J A Ku Γest λnom s

struct Equilibrium
    u_est_bar # estimated wind speed
    pg_bar    # generator power
    ω_bar     # rotor speed

mutable struct Settings

se::Settings = Settings(1.225, 7.0, 12469.0, 63.0, 4.047e7, 8.0, 2.25e-7)
eq = Equilibrium(0.99, 6.97822, -0.012273163568697454, 0.5344744027433362, 1132254, 0.88612)
op_ = Dict([Ku => se.Ku0, R => se.R0, ρ => se.ρ0,  A => se.A0, J => se.J0, U => se.U0, 
            λnom => se.λ_nom, Γest => 1, Γ => eq.Γ, Pge => 0, Pgc => eq.pg_bar, Uest => eq.u_est_bar, 
            ω => eq.ω_bar, a => eq.a_bar, b => eq.b_bar])

function model_open_loop_symbolic()
    @variables t ω(t) Pr(t) Pg(t) Pge(t) Pgc(t) Pr_est(t)
    @variables e_p(t) e_ω(t) r_ω(t) λ(t) λest(t) Uest(t)
    @parameters J U Ku ρ A Γ Γest a b R λnom
    D = Differential(t)
    eqs = [D(ω)    ~ (Pr - Pg) / (J * ω),
           D(Uest) ~ Ku * e_p,
           r_ω     ~ Uest * λnom / R,
           e_ω     ~ r_ω - ω,
           e_p     ~ Pg - Pr_est + J * D(ω) * ω,
           λest    ~ ω * R / Uest,
           Pr_est  ~ 0.5 *  ρ * A * Uest^3 * Γest * (a*λest + b),
           λ       ~ ω * R/U,
           Pr      ~ 0.5 * ρ * A * U^3 * Γ * (a*λ + b),
           Pg      ~ Pgc + Pge]
    @named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_p, e_ω

function calc_lin_numeric()
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_ω, e_p = model_open_loop_symbolic()
    matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize(sys, [Pgc, Pge], [e_ω, e_p], op=op_)
    A_, B, C, D = matrices

function calc_lin_symbolic(num=true)
    global matrices
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_p, e_ω = model_open_loop_symbolic()
    matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize_symbolic(sys, [Pge, Pgc], [e_ω, e_p])
    A_, B, C, D = matrices
    if num; return substitute(A_[2], op_); else return substitute(matrices.A[1], Dict([Pge => 0])) end

function model_open_loop(se, eq, Γest0)
    @variables t ω(t)=eq.ω_bar λ(t) λest(t) Pr(t)=eq.pg_bar Pr_est(t)=eq.pg_bar Pg(t) 
    @variables Uest(t)=eq.u_est_bar r_ω(t) e_ω(t) e_p(t) Pgc(t)=eq.pg_bar Pge(t)=0
    @parameters J=se.J0 U=se.U0 ρ=se.ρ0 A=se.A0 Ku=se.Ku0 λnom=se.λ_nom R=se.R0 Γ=eq.Γ Γest=Γest0
    D = Differential(t)
    eqs = [D(ω)    ~ (Pr - Pg) / (J * ω),
           D(Uest) ~ Ku * e_p,
           r_ω     ~ Uest * λnom / R,
           e_ω     ~ r_ω - ω,
           e_p     ~ Pg - Pr_est + J * D(ω) * ω,
           λest    ~ ω * R / Uest,
           Pr_est  ~ 0.5 *  ρ * A * Uest^3 * Γest * (eq.a_bar * λest + eq.b_bar),
           λ       ~ ω * R/U,
           Pr      ~ 0.5 * ρ * A * U^3 * Γ * (eq.a_bar * λ + eq.b_bar),
           Pg      ~ Pgc + Pge]
    @named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_ω, e_p

function calc_lin_numeric_old()
    sys, Pge, Pgc, e_ω, e_p = model_open_loop(se, eq, 1.0)
    matrices, simplified_sys = ModelingToolkit.linearize(sys, [Pgc, Pge], [e_ω, e_p])
    A_, B, C, D = matrices

println("Symbolic linearization: ", calc_lin_symbolic(false))
println("Symbolic linearization, numeric result: ", calc_lin_symbolic())
println("Numeric linearization:      ", calc_lin_numeric())
println("Old numeric linearization:  ", calc_lin_numeric_old())

which has the output:

julia> include("mwes\\mwe17.jl")
Symbolic linearization: (0.5A*R*(U^2)*a*Γ*ρ) / (J*ω(t)) + (-(-Pgc(t) + 0.5A*(U^3)*(b + (R*a*ω(t)) / U)*Γ*ρ)) / (J*(ω(t)^2))
Symbolic linearization, numeric result: 0.00024654062404763535
Numeric linearization:      0.00024654062404766154
Old numeric linearization:  0.00024654062404766154