Good Day:
II am attempting to create an ROC_CURVE
with Lighthouse.jl. I am attempting to generate
one with the MLJ.@load_boston dataset.
My general questions are:
- How do I designate class? names(df)?
Should I:
classes = ["class $i" for i in 1:5]
- What should I use as my curve value?
I was able to create one using:
curve_clf = MLJ.learning_curve(clf, feat, targ,range=r_clf,
or should I:
curves = [(LinRange(0, 1, 10), range(0, stop=i/2, length=10) .+ (stable_randn(10) .* 0.1)) for i in -1:3]
(Extra: In this case, how would I prefix stable_rand?)
In all I would like to apply Lighthouse.plot_roc_curves). But
am having trouble choosing a starting point.
Does anyone have experience with Lighthouse or is there
some other variety (not from SciKitLearn.jl) that is practical
to implement?