When trying to load a CSV file and use a custom iterator over its columns, the last row is broken in Julia 1.0. I’ve had to update the iterator approach, but the basic code was working in 0.6. Yes, I did test this with no warnings in 0.7.
This behavior looks like a bug to me and possibly related to #28763. Also if you have a better idea for this use case using built-in libraries, please feel free to share.
using DelimitedFiles # for readdlm
mutable struct mytbl # a custom object
function mytbl(csvdata::Base.GenericIOBuffer)
source = readdlm(csvdata, ',')
source = convert(Array, source[2:end,:]) # clear the headers
Base.length(it::mytbl) = size(it.source, 1)
function Base.iterate(it::mytbl, (el, i)=(it.source[1,:], 1))
return i >= length(it) ? nothing : (el, (it.source[i + 1,:], i + 1))
# some sample data
TABLE_CAST = """id,height,age,name,occupation
1,10.0,1,string1,2012-06-15 00:00:00
2,10.1,2,string2,2013-06-15 01:00:00
3,10.2,3,string3,2014-06-15 02:00:00
4,10.3,4,string4,2015-06-15 03:00:00
5,10.4,5,string5,2016-06-15 04:00:00
table = mytbl(IOBuffer(TABLE_CAST))
[ row for row in table ]
# the last element is #undef
[ row[1] for row in table ]
# Returns:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 229445824]
[ row[2] for row in table ]
# Returns:
[10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 4.94e-324]
Note that I’ve tested this with more or less elements, the last row is always…well, broken.