Hi everyone,
I wonder if you can help me with this one.
I am trying to model a simple Kuramoto model using OrdinaryDiffEq and I get an error because the code is trying to Float a complex number. Sorry if I am too ignorant.
Here is the code:
function parametrized_kuramoto(du,u,p,t)
# NumberOfOscillators, CouplingConstant, and NaturalFreqs
N,K,w = p
# Centroid
u[1] = 0
for i in 1:N
u[1] += cos(u[i+1]) + sin(u[i+1])*im ## This seems to be the problem
u[1] = u[1]/N
r = abs(u[1])
ψ = angle(u[1])
# Oscillators
for i in 1:N
du[i+1] = w[i] + K*r*sin(ψ-u[i+1])
fs = 250 #Sampling frequency
N = 20 # NumberOfOscillators
tspan = (0.0,1.0) #Time
u0 = zeros(N+1) #initial conditions
p = (N=N, K=0.1, w=rand(Uniform(0,10),N)) # just wrap everything up
prob = ODEProblem(parametrized_kuramoto,u0,tspan,p)
sol = solve(prob,RK4(),saveat=collect(0:1/fs:T),progress=true)
and I get : InexactError: Float64(0.9999935742904003 + 0.0035848818543689786im)
If I change u[1] += cos(u[i+1]) + sin(u[i+1])*im
for anything Real it works.
Can I run a system with Complex and real variables together?
Or should i separate the real and imaginary parts to simulate only real variables?
Thank you.