Hi everyone, I’m currently studying (I’m not done reading the docs yet) how Knet works. I’m trying to create a classification model for the iris dataset. That is, using the four features of the iris dataset as the predictors (xtrn1
) and the species of the iris dataset as the label (ytrn1
Here’s my code based from the Knet’s LeNet example on Github.
using Knet
using RDatasets
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris");
xtrn1 = Matrix(iris[:, 1:4]);
ytrn1 = iris[:, 5];
ytrn1 = map(x -> x == "setosa" ? 1 : x == "versicolor" ? 2 : 3, ytrn1);
dtrn1 = minibatch(Float32.(xtrn1'), ytrn1, 10);
# Define the Dense layer
struct Dense; w; b; f; end
Dense(i::Int, o::Int, f = relu) = Dense(param(o, i), param0(o), f) # constructor
(d::Dense)(x) = d.f.(d.w * mat(x) .+ d.b) # define method for dense layer
# Define Chain layer
struct Chain; layers; end
(c::Chain)(x) = (for l in c.layers; x = l(x); end; x) # define method for feed-forward
(c::Chain)(x, y) = nll(c(x), y, dims = 1) # define method for negative-log likelihood loss
# Define the Model
model = Chain((Dense(4, 10), Dense(10, 3), x -> softmax(x, dims = 1)))
adam!(model, repeat(dtrn1, 10)) # train the model
accuracy(model, dtrn1)
So the ytrn1
is an array of 1’s, 2’s, and 3’s corresponding to the species. I did not transform it into a one-hot-vector, since I notice the Knet’s LeNet example on Github uses labels as is (without translating to one-hot-vector). My questions is, is this how Knet works by design? Contrary to how Flux works, where we translate the response variable to a one-hot-vector for multiclass.
Further, I used Float32.(xtrn1')
conversion because if I use Float64.(xtrn1')
I get the following error:
ERROR: Gradient type mismatch: w::Array{Float32,1} g::Array{Float64,1}
I also want to understand why?
Lastly, the accuracy I got from this is, most of the time 0.3333333333333333
, sometimes 0.49333333333333335
or 0.66
. So I’m not sure if I specified the data, model and the training correctly.
Thanks you very much for any help.