I’ working on a code which, for the sake of clarity, has long keyword names.
A simple example is:
function foo(;ABooleanKeyword=false, AnotherLooongKeyword=2)
Is there a simply way to call the foo function with abbreviated keyword names, such as foo(ABoo=true, Another=4) ?
There would be no ambiguity in this case…
Also, since the default value of the first keyword is a boolean, it would be nice and clear (IMHO) if I could use it as an on/off switch being on when the keyword is provided, off otherwise, i.e.
foo(ABoo) ==> ON
foo() ==> OFF
In the first case there would be an ambiguity on whether ABoo is the keyword or another symbol. However, a syntax similar to foo(/ABoo), foo(>ABoo), foo(;ABoo) etc… would remove any ambiguity.
Is there a simple way to do this already implemented in Julia ?
function Foo(; Keyword1::Int=1, AnotherKeyword::Float64=2.0, StillAnotherOne=3, KeyString::String="bar")
using AbbrvKW
function Foo(; kw...)
@AbbrvKW(kw, Keyword1::Int=1, AnotherKeyword::Float64=2.0, StillAnotherOne=3, KeyString::String="bar")
This way I can call the Foo function with abbreviated keyword names, as long as the provided names allow complete disambiguation, i.e.:
Foo(Keyw=10, A=20.0, S=30, KeyS="baz")
I would like to see this functionality included as a native feature in future versions of Julia, but I have no idea on how to implement it, nor how much effort it requires…