KeyError: key coeffs not found

Hello, I’m getting the error given below continuosly. I know that there is a built-in function named “coeffs” in Julia and I want to use it. I’m trying to implement Zippel’s Algorithm. I also asked it on stackoverflow but couldn’t find a solution. Can you please help me? Thanks in advance.

stackoverflow link: python - I try using SymPy in Julia 1.7.1 and get "coeffs not found" error - Stack Overflow
Here is the error:

┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead
│   caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67
└ @ PyCall C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\numpy.jl:67
ERROR: LoadError: KeyError: key :coeffs not found


 [1] __getproperty(o::PyCall.PyObject, s::Symbol)
   @ PyCall C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\PyCall.jl:307
 [2] getproperty
   @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\PyCall.jl:312 [inlined]
 [3] getproperty
   @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\SymPy\7xLLa\src\matrix.jl:52 [inlined]
 [4] sparse_interpolation(x_var::Tuple{Sym, Sym, Sym}, a::Vector{Int64}, d::Int64)
   @ Main D:\Desktop\Code\zippel.jl:175
 [5] top-level scope
   @ D:\Desktop\Code\zippel.jl:210
in expression starting at D:\Desktop\Code\zippel.jl:210

My Code:

using SymPy
using Random
using PyCall
using Polynomials
prime = 10 ^ 9 + 7

function pulverizer(a,b)
	if  a == 0
		return 0,1
	a = []
	x,y = pulverizer(b%a, a)
	a = push!(a,(x,y))
	return y - (b/a) * x, x

function gcd(a,b)
	if a == 0
		return b
		return gcd(b%a, a)

dense interpolation algorithm 'D'.
Gives polynomial that fits all the given points.
Polynomial is such that, f(p_i) = m_i

function dense_interpolation(p, m)
	x = symbols("x")
	f = m[1] * x ^ 0
	# print(typeof(f))
	q = x - p[1]

	for i in 1:length(p)
		temp = q.subs(x, p[i])
		qpi_inv = q.subs(x, p[i]) ^ (-1)
		f += qpi_inv * q * (m[i] - f.subs(x, p[i]))
		q = (x - p[i]) * q
	if f == NaN
		return sympify(1)
		return expand(f)

# ORACLE function 'F' which gives output of function at given points
function oracle(l)
	l = [1,2,3]
	x, y, z = symbols("x y z")
	# func = 5*(x^4)*(y^2)*(z^3) + (x^3*y*z^2) + x + 8*y*z*x^2 + 3*x^5*y^5*z^5
    func = (y^2*z^2 + y^2*z + 2*x^2*y*z + x*z)*y^2*z^2 + y^2*z + 2*x^2*y*z + x*z
    func.subs(Dict("x"=>l[1], "y"=> l[2], "z"=> l[3]))

function oracle_gcd(l)
	x, y, z = Symbol("x y z")

	d = y^2*z^2 + y^2*z + 2*x^2*y*z + x*z
    f = z^2 + y^2*z + x^2*y*z + x*z + x^2*y^2
    g = y*z + 2*x*z + z + x

    f1 = f*d
    f2 = g*d

    return gcd(f1.subs(Dict("x" => l[1], "y" => l[2], "z" => l[3])), f2.subs(Dict("x" => l[1], "y" => l[2], "z" => l[3])))


# sparse interpolation algorithm 'S'
function sparse_interpolation(x_var, a, d)
	S = [sympify(1)]
	p0 = sympify(oracle(a))
	# print(p0, 'p0')
	L = []
	#iterate through each variable
	for i in 1:length(x_var)
		#print('i: ', i, '\n')
		r = []
		X = x_var[i]
		P = []

		#iterate 'd' times corresponding to number of degrees
		for j in 1:d
			#print('j = ', j, '\n')

			#pick rj
			temp = rand(1:10000)
			# print('r_j', temp)

			#list for linear equations
			L = []
			t = length(S)
			skeletal = sympify(0)
			str = string(t+1)
			str = string("g0:", str)

			G = symbols(str)

			# generate a skeletal polynomial from S
			for k in 1:t
				skeletal += G[k] * S[k]

			# iterate 't' times where t is number of monomials in skeletal polynomial
			for k in 1:t
				for i=1, there is no need to solve system of linear equations
                we append the output of oracle [F] in the list 'P'
                otherwise, we need to create a list 'L' of 't' linear equations
				if i == 1
					oracle_out = oracle([r[j]] .+ a[1:length(a)])

					push!(P, oracle_out)
					sub_list = [(x_var[tem], a[tem]) for tem in 1:i]
					push!(L,skeletal.subs(sub_list) - oracle_out)
					A = [rand(1:10000) for r in 1:i]
					or_lis = A + [r[j]] + a[i+1:length(a)]
					oracle_out = oracle(or_lis)
					sub_list = [(x_var[tem], A[tem]) for tem in 1:i]
			 if i != 1, then solve the system of linear
			 equation and produce a polynomial pj
             append the produced polynomial to the list P

			if i != 1
				sol1 = linsolve(L,G)
				next = iterate(sol1)
				(val, state) = next
				solution = PyAny(val)
				#print("solution: ", length(solution[1].free_symbols))
				temp_p = sympify(0)

				for mon in 1:length(S)
  					temp_p = temp_p + S[mon]*solution[mon]
		For i = 1,  pass the list p directly to the dense_interpolation algorithm 'D'.
    	Store the coefficients to the list 'S' and the resulting polynomial in p0
    	If i is not 1, then for each monomial is 'S', pass the corresponding coefficients from
    	list 'P' and from p0 to the dense_interpolation algorithm 'D'.
    	Merge each monomial to its corresponding result from 'D' and simplify

    	if i == 1
    		# print([p0] + P)
    		# print([p0] + P, "P\n", [a[1]] + r, 'r')
    		#p = []
    		p0 = sympify(dense_interpolation([a[1]] .+ r, [p0] .+ P).subs(Symbol('x'), x_var[1]))
			S = [p0].coeffs().keys()
    		# print("p0: ", expand(p0), '\n', 'S:', S, '\n')
    		# print("p0: ", p0, "\nS: ", S, '\n')
    		# print(p0.as_coefficients_dict(), " as coeff dict")
    		P = [p0] + P
    		r = [a[i]] + r
    		p0 = sympify(0)
    		# print(P, "P\n", r, 'r')
    		for mon in 1:length(S)
    			p_i_temp = []
    			# m_i_temp = []

    			for pol in 1:length(P)
    				p_i_temp += [P[pol].as_coefficients_dict()[S[mon]]]
    			# print(p_i_temp, "p_i_\n", "r\n")
    			interp_temp = dense_interpolation(r, p_i_temp).subs(Symbol('x'), x_var[i])
    			#print("interp_temp: ", interp_temp)
    			p0 += S[mon]*interp_temp
    		p0 = expand(p0)
    		S = p0.as_coefficients_dict().keys()
    		# print("p0: ", expand(p0), '\n', "s: ", s, '\n')

	return p0

X = symbols("x0:3")
a = [1,2,3]


using Polynomials ?

I tried but I got the same error

Just guessing, but You might need to use the sympy.Poly constructor to call coeffs on the object.

I applied your advice but unfortunately I get this:

┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead
│   caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67
└ @ PyCall C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\numpy.jl:67
ERROR: LoadError: PyError ($(Expr(:escape, :(ccall(#= C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\pyfncall.jl:43 =# @pysym(:PyObject_Call), PyPtr, (PyPtr, PyPtr, PyPtr), o, pyargsptr, kw))))) <class 'sympy.polys.polyerrors.GeneratorsNeeded'>
GeneratorsNeeded("can't initialize from 'list' without generators")
  File "C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\conda\3\lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\", line 157, in __new__
    return cls._from_list(list(rep), opt)  File "C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\conda\3\lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\", line 251, in _from_list
    raise GeneratorsNeeded(

  [1] pyerr_check
    @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\exception.jl:62 [inlined]
  [2] pyerr_check
    @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\exception.jl:66 [inlined]
  [3] _handle_error(msg::String)
    @ PyCall C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\exception.jl:83
  [4] macro expansion
    @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\exception.jl:97 [inlined]
  [5] #107
    @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\pyfncall.jl:43 [inlined]
  [6] disable_sigint
    @ .\c.jl:458 [inlined]
  [7] __pycall!
    @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\pyfncall.jl:42 [inlined]
  [8] _pycall!(ret::PyCall.PyObject, o::PyCall.PyObject, args::Tuple{Vector{Sym}}, nargs::Int64, kw::Ptr{Nothing})
    @ PyCall C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\pyfncall.jl:29
  [9] _pycall!
    @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\pyfncall.jl:11 [inlined]
 [10] #_#114
    @ C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\pyfncall.jl:86 [inlined]
 [11] (::PyCall.PyObject)(args::Vector{Sym})
    @ PyCall C:\Users\Ashraf\.julia\packages\PyCall\L0fLP\src\pyfncall.jl:86
 [12] sparse_interpolation(x_var::Tuple{Sym, Sym, Sym}, a::Vector{Int64}, d::Int64)
    @ Main D:\Desktop\Code\zippel.jl:176
 [13] top-level scope
    @ D:\Desktop\Code\zippel.jl:211
in expression starting at D:\Desktop\Code\zippel.jl:211

I’m not sure why you “know” this, but it’s not true.

There are various packages for working with polynomials in Julia. They are not “built in”, but that just means you need to install one (with Julia’s built-in package manager) and load it. You will need to pick one and read its documentation to find out how to call it for whatever you are trying to do.

Sorry, I meant I can use it with package. I didn’t mean to be rude. Thanks for advice.