Hi all—
I have a little piece of code that that opens up a file using run(xdg-open $file, wait=false)
(removing the inner back ticks for better rendering). I’d really like to work out some way to keep track of these processes and kill old ones once a certain number are running at the same time and a new one is requested. My current attempt is like this:
proc = run(`xdg-open $file`, wait=false)
push!(PROCESSES, proc)
if length(PROCESSES) > something
firstproc = first(PROCESSES)
deleteat!(PROCESSES, 1)
This code runs, and when I look at the status of the thing I called kill
on it has changed. But the xdg-open
window is still open. I’ve also tried something like
proc = run(`xdg-open $file`, wait=false)
push!(PROCESSES, proc)
if length(PROCESSES) > something
firstproc = first(PROCESSES)
deleteat!(PROCESSES, 1)
_pid = getpid(firstproc)
run(`kill $_pid`)
But that doesn’t work either, and oddly seems to not work because getpid
doesn’t return the same pid that I see for the corresponding process in htop
. So there’s definitely something I’m not understanding. Could somebody provide guidance? From some previous issues here it seems like wait=false
gives up a lot of control of the process, so I recognize that that makes it more difficult. But I would have thought that the second attempt here should work considering that I can obviously still go to htop
, find the pid, and kill it myself at a command line.
Thanks in advance for reading.